The Guns of August Test | Final Test - Medium

Barbara W. Tuchman
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 146 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Guns of August Test | Final Test - Medium

Barbara W. Tuchman
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 146 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What kind of units were the first Germans to cross over the Belgian border?
(a) A tank brigade.
(b) The cavalry.
(c) The infantry.
(d) A diplomatic mission.

2. What did Samsonov do after losing his army in battle at Tannenberg?
(a) Fled the field of battle and was never seen again.
(b) Decided to right the wrong and turn on the Germans once again.
(c) Committed suicide.
(d) Begged the Czar’s forgiveness.

3. The German Prince Rupprecht argued that what was the best way he could keep as many French troops as possible occupied?
(a) By defending.
(b) By attacking.
(c) By opening negotiations.
(d) By beating a hasty retreat.

4. How did the two-day Russian retreat from Tannenberg go?
(a) It was executed with precision, and left the Russians ready to continue the war.
(b) It was a disaster.
(c) It could have gone better, but was not utterly ruinous.
(d) It went well, with few losses.

5. Russia was so alarmed at the German ship Goeben arriving in Turkish waters, that it was even willing to give up its claim to what to keep the peace?
(a) Berlin.
(b) Constantinople.
(c) The Crimea.
(d) St. Petersburg.

Short Answer Questions

1. What did the German navy eventually resort to as a belated effort to break the British naval blockade?

2. On the morning of the Battle of Mons, Sir John French estimated the German forces they were about to fight at one or two army corps plus cavalry. How large was it really?

3. What does Tuchman say “cast a long shadow upon the world” (137)?

4. At one point during the reatreat, when Lanrezac was convinced that Joffre’s plan was a bad one, he refused to move without what?

5. How many men did Kitchener announce the Britain must be prepared to put into the field?

Short Essay Questions

1. What decision did Lanrezac make in Chapter 15 which he believed Joffre would disapprove of?

2. Why was it said in the beginning of Chapter 10, regarding the German fleet of the Goeben and the Breslau, that “No other single exploit of the war cast so long a shadow upon the world as the voyage accomplished by their commander during the next seven days”?

3. What did Lanrezac see his Fifth army as left to do while the rest of the French army attacked according to Plan 17?

4. What happened to the people of Andenne when they were accused of attacking the Germans, and how did the Germans use this information?

5. While everyone was watching the extreme German right wing, what other conflict was going on in Lorraine?

6. What idea did a Turkish minister think of to allow the chased German fleet to enter the safety of the Dardanelles in Chapter 10?

7. What was the British Expeditionary Force (BEF) doing from August 6-10?

8. What did the two telegrams intercepted by German command in the beginning of Chapter 16 say, and what decision did it help the Germans make?

9. What effect did the Germans’ harsh treatment of civilians and non-military personnel have on the two sides and the war in general?

10. Explain the relationship between Ludendorff and Hindenburg, as well as the phrase “‘Was sagst du?’ (What do you say?)” (284).

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