The Guns of August Test | Final Test - Easy

Barbara W. Tuchman
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 146 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Guns of August Test | Final Test - Easy

Barbara W. Tuchman
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 146 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. As the Prittwitz continued to remain committed to a German retreat, what did Moltke finally do?
(a) Order him to hold his ground.
(b) Replace him.
(c) Encourage him.
(d) Promote him.

2. When the German attack on the forts of Liege failed miserably, what did Ludendorff insist needed to be brought into action?
(a) The enormous German siege cannon.
(b) The Uhlan cavalry.
(c) The light German field artillery.
(d) The plan of starving out the enemy.

3. Why did Brussels go “mad with excitement” in Chapter 11 (176)?
(a) They had received news of their army repulsing the German attack the day before.
(b) The city held a war rally.
(c) They had received news of the German army’s surrender.
(d) They had heard that war was declared on Germany.

4. What anniversary of the Battle of Waterloo had almost arrived when the British reached it on their march to Mons?
(a) The 50th anniversary.
(b) The 20th anniversary.
(c) The 200th anniversary.
(d) The 100th anniversary.

5. What did the British “requisition” (140) from the Turkish?
(a) Five million pounds owed as a war debt.
(b) Two ships they had made for them.
(c) Five ships the Turkish had lying in an British port.
(d) A promise to stay out of the war.

6. How did the two-day Russian retreat from Tannenberg go?
(a) It went well, with few losses.
(b) It could have gone better, but was not utterly ruinous.
(c) It was executed with precision, and left the Russians ready to continue the war.
(d) It was a disaster.

7. Which of the two Russian armies did the German Eighth Army choose to attack with all of its strength before the other could come to help?
(a) Sir John French’s army.
(b) Samsonov’s army.
(c) Joffre’s army.
(d) Rennenkampf’s army.

8. On the morning of the Battle of Mons, Sir John French estimated the German forces they were about to fight at one or two army corps plus cavalry. How large was it really?
(a) Sixteen corps but no cavalry.
(b) Sir John French was accurate in his assessment.
(c) Four corps and three cavalry divisions.
(d) Six corps and some cavalry.

9. On August 24, after days of terrible news of the disaster of Plan 17, what did Joffre finally tell Messimy?
(a) That the French must still continue to attack, whatever the cost.
(b) That the French must go on the defensive.
(c) That it is the fault of the British that everything went wrong.
(d) That he would lose his coat before admitting defeat.

10. The British were defeated at Mons. How did the British remember the battle, though?
(a) As an utter victory.
(b) As a battle of desperate and legendary greatness.
(c) As a crushing disaster.
(d) As a battle of savage ferocity and barbaric violence.

11. What haunted Ludendorff as he directed the German Eighth Army to attack Samsonov’s Russian army?
(a) The knowledge that he had not slept in days and doubted his judgment.
(b) The knowledge that if he failed, the whole war would be lost.
(c) The knowledge that the Western Front could collapse at any minute.
(d) The knowledge that Rennenkampf’s army was behind him.

12. As the Battle of Tannenberg ended, what news came regarding Rennenkampf’s army?
(a) That it had joined up with Samsonov’s army.
(b) That it was on the march but would not reach them that day.
(c) That it was on the march and would be there within the hour.
(d) That it was attacking them from the rear.

13. When the Grand Duke was appointed Comander in Chief of the Russian forces, why did he shed tears?
(a) Because he was overjoyed to use the Russians to help the French.
(b) Because he realized that the Russian promises to aid the French was more than they could fulfill.
(c) Because he really did not want the job of Commander in Chief.
(d) Because he had wanted the job of Commander in Chief for his entire life.

14. Right from the first day of invasion the Germans shot both Belgian civilians and who else?
(a) Priests.
(b) French immigrants.
(c) Politicians.
(d) German civilians.

15. What was the situation of the German navy and merchant shipping by the end of August?
(a) They had resorted to incessant U-boat attacks.
(b) They had conquered the seas.
(c) They had disappeared from the open seas.
(d) They were gathering in the North Sea to fight with the British.

Short Answer Questions

1. When the German ships were allowed to enter the Dardanelles, what was the order for the forts to do if British ships followed?

2. Why did the disaster at Tannenberg not initially scare the Russian people?

3. What was a traditional companion of war for the Russians that was prohibited during the invasion of Germany?

4. When the Germans began shooting civilians and burning towns and cities, what were they compared to?

5. Who was asked to be the Governor of Paris and to direct its defense?

(see the answer keys)

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