The Guns of August Quiz | Four Week Quiz B

Barbara W. Tuchman
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 146 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Guns of August Quiz | Four Week Quiz B

Barbara W. Tuchman
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 146 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Section 5 (Chapters 20-Afterword).

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Instead of a double envelopment of France’s armies, what did Schlieffen settle on?
(a) An attack through the center.
(b) A heavily one-sided right wing.
(c) A heavily one-sided left wing.
(d) An attack from the rear.

2. What kind of units were the first Germans to cross over the Belgian border?
(a) The infantry.
(b) A tank brigade.
(c) A diplomatic mission.
(d) The cavalry.

3. Who was the Home Secretary of Britain when the war began?
(a) Winston Churchill.
(b) Sir Edward Grey.
(c) Joseph Joffre.
(d) Sir Henry Kitchener.

4. Where were the two German corps that were supposed to be at the junction of Hausen and Bulow’s armies?
(a) They had been left behind as a garrison for Belgium.
(b) They had been given a few days of leave to catch their breath.
(c) They were on their way to unnecessarily reinforce the Eastern Front.
(d) They had fallen behind in the speed of the German advance.

5. What did the President of France announce was the only form of fighting suited to the French soldier?
(a) The defensive.
(b) The agressive.
(c) The offensive.
(d) The passive.

Short Answer Questions

1. In spite of reports of disaster and defeat, both Wilson and Joffre continued to plan on what strategy as Chapter 14 draws to a close?

2. Were the British troops in as bad of a condition as Sir John French reported?

3. What reaction did Paris have to the first flight of a German Taube over the city, dropping bombs and leaflets?

4. What was the one task that caused Joffre visible discomfort?

5. What did Kitchener decide he must do to help the situation of the BEF in France?

(see the answer key)

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