The Gun Seller Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Hugh Laurie
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 135 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Gun Seller Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Hugh Laurie
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 135 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Where does Solomon take Lang?
(a) To the park.
(b) A bank building.
(c) An abandoned parking lot.
(d) Ministry of Defence.

2. What happens to Woolf?
(a) He was fed poison.
(b) He dies from his previously inflicted wounds.
(c) He has a heart attack.
(d) He is shot by Groomed.

3. What does Lang learn that Rayner was doing at Woolf's house?
(a) He was working as Woolf's bodyguard.
(b) He was an undercover cop.
(c) He was following Lang.
(d) He was hired to murdered Wolf.

4. Why does Lang explain that a piece of him wanted Woolf to die?
(a) To make Lang feel vendicated in killing the men in the building.
(b) So he could walk away.
(c) So he would be free to do something.
(d) Because Woolf was in so much pain.

5. What does Woolf ask Lang when Lang finds him in the room?
(a) He asks if Lang will stop these men.
(b) He asks if Lang would like to be his new bodyguard.
(c) He asks if Lang is a good man.
(d) He asks if Lang will watch over Sarah.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Solomon tell Lang when he wakes him up?

2. Why does Lang say that Woolf might have picked Lang to ask to commit the murder?

3. What does Lang decide after Richie curses at him?

4. What does the man say that he is when Lang asks if he is a doctor?

5. What does the American voice on the phone say when Lang first picks it up?

Short Essay Questions

1. Describe the conversation that Sarah Woolf and Lang have in Chapter 1 when they first meet.

2. How does Lang get out of the bed he is tied to in Chapter 8?

3. Describe the conversation in the first chapter about breaking someone's arm.

4. Describe the scene when Lang and Solomon first arrive at O'Neil's office.

5. What does Lang explain about the conspiracy to commit murder charge when he first learns about it?

6. What does Lang speculate might be the reason that Woolf tried to hire Lang to kill him?

7. Describe the conversation that goes on between Lang and Spencer in Chapter 4?

8. What happens when Lang enters the art gallery following McCluskey?

9. Describe what Solomon tells Lang in chapter four when Lang asks why the Ministry of Defence is involved in Woolf is all there is a drug charge?

10. How does Lang get in to see Russell Barnes?

(see the answer keys)

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