The Gun Seller Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Hugh Laurie
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 135 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Gun Seller Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Hugh Laurie
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 135 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Where does Solomon take Lang?
(a) Ministry of Defence.
(b) An abandoned parking lot.
(c) To the park.
(d) A bank building.

2. What does Lang think about while recovering at the King's Cross Bed and Breakfast?
(a) How he can get out of the country.
(b) If Sarah would leave with him.
(c) How to find Solomon without O'Neil.
(d) Is he a good man.

3. What does the man say that he is when Lang asks if he is a doctor?
(a) More like an embalmer.
(b) An enforcer.
(c) A go-to-man.
(d) A son-of-a-bitch.

4. What is all that remains to remind Sarah and the main character of Rayner two hours after he first attacked the main character?
(a) His hat.
(b) Just a smell.
(c) A pool of blood.
(d) A chalk outline.

5. For how long does the main character say he had previously been in prison?
(a) Three weeks.
(b) Three years.
(c) Three minutes.
(d) Three months.

6. Where does Solomon say that he believes Alexander Woolf is at that moment in Chapter 4 while Solomon and Lang are drinking?
(a) In the states.
(b) At his home.
(c) On an airplane.
(d) Buying more drugs.

7. What does Lang tell O'Neil is obviously happening?
(a) Sarah Woolf and the bodyguard are in on something.
(b) Woolf is behind this all.
(c) The police are being used.
(d) Lang is being set up.

8. What does Lang say he realizes that Solomon must be in his apartment for?
(a) To bring him breakfast in bed.
(b) To clean the apartment.
(c) To investigate the theft of his door bell.
(d) To rub his feet and make the bed.

9. What does Lang learn that Rayner had been kicked out of the Royal Welch Rusiliers for doing?
(a) Allegations of ties to terrorist organizations.
(b) Impersonating a higher ranking officer.
(c) Breaking and entering.
(d) Black-Marketeering.

10. What does the main character NOT say about the person that taught him unarmed combat?
(a) The person was killed by a widow in a bar.
(b) The person had been a banker.
(c) The person said that pain was something you did to yourself.
(d) The person had only one arm.

11. What does Thomas Lang say about his time with the Scots Guard?
(a) He was with them for too long.
(b) He was honorably discharged.
(c) He was a member of the military police.
(d) They taught him everything he knows.

12. Who does Solomon say the Ministry of Defence believes might be the ones who are trying to make it look as if Lang is the killer?
(a) The local mafia.
(b) Woolf's business partners.
(c) A South Columbian drug cartel.
(d) The CIA.

13. What is it that keeps coming into Lang's mind while he is trying to sleep that keeps him awake in Chapter 4?
(a) The money in his account.
(b) The thought of being set up for murder.
(c) Sarah Woolf.
(d) The fact that Solomon thought he might be capable of murder.

14. What does the main character drive home?
(a) A motorcycle.
(b) A cop car.
(c) A bicycle.
(d) An off road vehicle.

15. Why does Lang explain is the reason that he declined the offer to kill Woolf?
(a) Murder makes Lang uneasy.
(b) There wasn't enough money offered.
(c) He saw Woolf's daughter.
(d) Lang is a nice guy.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Solomon tell Lang when he wakes him up?

2. What does Woolf tell Lang is lying beside Lang's phone?

3. Who does Lang find in his apartment in Chapter 3 when he returns from his lunch with Paulie?

4. What does Lang decide after Richie curses at him?

5. What noise does Lang hear while trying to get out of the building?

(see the answer keys)

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