The Guide Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 117 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Guide Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 117 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What did Raju promise his mother when he took on his new job?
(a) He would always provide for her.
(b) She could visit him at his new job.
(c) She would never have to worry again.
(d) He would still look after the railway shop.

2. How did Raju intervene between Rosie and Marco?
(a) He showed them the best in each other.
(b) He took sides and instigated a fight.
(c) He drove them apart.
(d) He smoothed things out between them.

3. Where did Raju meet Rosie?
(a) At his mother's house.
(b) At the market.
(c) At the hotel.
(d) At the train station.

4. What did Raju dislike about his last residence?
(a) He loathed waking early in the morning.
(b) He despised the other residents.
(c) He couldn't handle the extreme temperatures.
(d) He disliked the hard work it required.

5. Where did Raju learn the story that he tells Velan in the temple?
(a) From his cousin.
(b) From his mother.
(c) From his grandmother.
(d) From his father.

6. Who speaks first in Chapter 1?
(a) Marco.
(b) Rosie.
(c) Velan.
(d) Raju.

7. Why does Raju stay involved with the villagers?
(a) They bring him food daily.
(b) He wants to watch how they live.
(c) He has a plan for his escape.
(d) He feels a closeness to them.

8. What solution does the school master offer to the children's unwillingness to attend the temple?
(a) He suggests Raju speak to them.
(b) He suggests they meet in town.
(c) He suggests he go to the children individually.
(d) He suggests they forget trying to force the children to be educated.

9. How did Raju's father treat the station master?
(a) With humble sumission.
(b) With adoration.
(c) With skepticism.
(d) With indifference.

10. What did Raju's father get permission to do at the railway?
(a) Ride for free.
(b) Open a shop at the station.
(c) Pass out newspapers.
(d) Polish the trains.

11. What industrial progress was finally made in Chapter 3?
(a) An assembly line began in the factory.
(b) The cotton gin was used.
(c) Cars made an appearance in the streets.
(d) The railway was finished.

12. What did Raju's father purchase to go with the jutka?
(a) A basket.
(b) A money bag.
(c) A farm pen.
(d) A horse.

13. What kept Raju's father from returning for dinner nightly when Raju was young?
(a) Tending the the animals.
(b) Drinking in town.
(c) An affair.
(d) Talking with friends.

14. What does Velan give Raju in appreciation of helping his sister?
(a) A statue of a god.
(b) A book of prayers.
(c) A bag of gold.
(d) A fruit tray.

15. Who did Raju become friends with at the beginning of Chapter 5?
(a) Garison.
(b) Gideon.
(c) Geoffery.
(d) Gaffur.

Short Answer Questions

1. How does Raju propose solving the problem of educating the children?

2. Why are the villagers not sending their children to school?

3. How did the town celebrate the new industrial progress?

4. What job did Raju take on in Chapter 5?

5. Who gave Raju his nickname?

(see the answer keys)

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