The Guest Book Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Sarah Blake
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 140 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Guest Book Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Sarah Blake
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 140 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In Chapter 17, what plan does Evie have on the windowsill of her study?
(a) Geranium.
(b) Spider plant.
(c) Basil.
(d) Jade plant.

2. At the end of Chapter 12, what was the date?
(a) June 1938.
(b) June 1939.
(c) June 1959.
(d) June 1947.

3. Where was a church that Kitty liked to go to at the end of Chapter 3?
(a) Bayard Street.
(b) Charlton Street.
(c) Lenox Avenue.
(d) Lexington Avenue.

4. In Chapter 14, who comes over to eat Chinese with Evie and her husband, when Paul is just returned from his trip?
(a) Daryl.
(b) Len.
(c) Reg.
(d) Harry.

5. What was the date at the beginning of Chapter 5?
(a) May 1936.
(b) June 1936.
(c) April 1936.
(d) March 1936.

6. What does Paul say that Evie's grandfather's best friend did during the war?
(a) Fought in the Philippines.
(b) Fought in Japan.
(c) Provided investments for German industrialists.
(d) Liberated the camps, came home, and drank himself to death.

7. Where does Evie teach?
(a) Harvard.
(b) NYU.
(c) Yale.
(d) Brown.

8. In Chapter 10, what was the name of the woman in the graveyard at Crockett's Island?
(a) Marissa.
(b) Louisa.
(c) Phoebe.
(d) Marcia.

9. What does Paul offer Evie when she wakes in Chapter 17?
(a) Coffee.
(b) Tea.
(c) Pancakes and eggs.
(d) Eggs and bacon.

10. In Chapter 16, where did Len keep remembering seeing the girl who had the seizure one day?
(a) Pennyslvania Station.
(b) Greenwich Village.
(c) Grand Central Terminal.
(d) A department store.

11. How old does Evie remember being at the end of Chapter 7?
(a) 36.
(b) 38.
(c) 33.
(d) 32.

12. In Chapter 12, what was planted in the old sheep's corral?
(a) Forget-me-nots.
(b) Pansies and violets.
(c) Columbine.
(d) Geraniums and daisies.

13. In Chapter 6, how many pairs of shoes did Harry Lowell say were being produced?
(a) 55 million.
(b) 45 million.
(c) 20 million.
(d) 80 million.

14. Where did Elsa say that the stocks for guns were being made in Chapter 11?
(a) Berlin.
(b) Essen.
(c) Munich.
(d) Dusseldorf.

15. When did Ogden serve on FDR's advisory board?
(a) 1935.
(b) 1930.
(c) 1932.
(d) 1937.

Short Answer Questions

1. At the end of Chapter 6, how long had it been since Neddy's death?

2. To whom did the Miltons sell their bank?

3. How old was Ogden in Chapter 15?

4. What type of job did Joan want in Chapter 13?

5. In Chapter 11, what percent of Communists in the U.S. does Ogden say are Jews?

(see the answer keys)

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