The Greek Way Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 100 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Greek Way Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 100 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. As a result of the Peloponnesian War, _______________________________________.
(a) the Athenian culture and its contirubtions to the world ended
(b) the Athenian culture spread
(c) Sparta merged wih Athens
(d) Sparta adopted the Athenian culture

2. The most important oracle was at _________________.
(a) Delphi
(b) Sparta
(c) Marathon
(d) Athens

3. Euripides' view of religion is that _____________________.
(a) the gods were inferior to humans
(b) the gods were superior to humans
(c) the gods had to be obeyed
(d) religion and gods are ignoreed

4. Sophocles' characters ________________________________.
(a) look for a way out
(b) endure their fate because there is no way out
(c) avoid their fate
(d) fight their fate

5. What terms would not apply to Xenophon?
(a) kind
(b) devious
(c) intelligent
(d) honest

6. Viewing things as part of the whole applies to all but _______________.
(a) art
(b) actors
(c) wars
(d) buildings

7. In both literary periods of tragedy, what was not true?
(a) thrilling things were happening
(b) times were prosperous
(c) they were times of darkness and defeat
(d) they were periods of great military victories

8. Compared to the other tragedians, Euripides is described as the _________________.
(a) saddest
(b) most fatal
(c) most tragic
(d) happiest

9. Thucydides felt that ___________________________________.
(a) the desire for power was not a cause of war
(b) wars were covered by broken treaties
(c) power and wealth created the desire for more power and wealth
(d) the desire for wealth was not a cause of war

10. Which of the following is not a play of Sophocles?
(a) Electra
(b) Oedipus Rex
(c) Oesipus at Colonus
(d) Libation-Bearers

11. Which term does not apply to the Theater of Dionysus?
(a) loss of the sense of isolation
(b) orgies
(c) worship
(d) community

12. During the war, Thucydides was _______________________.
(a) a businessman
(b) an Athenian general
(c) a diplomat
(d) a Spartan general

13. Xenophon felt that it was significant ________________________________.
(a) that there should be leisure time
(b) to see what honorable men did for amusement
(c) that men should participate in the games
(d) that men should work

14. Aeschylus was ______________________.
(a) the first writer of tragedy
(b) a writer of prose
(c) the last writer of tragedy
(d) a writer of mystery

15. Xenophon because wealthy by __________________________.
(a) from his father's estate
(b) ransoming a rich Persian noble
(c) working
(d) by being a successful businessman

Short Answer Questions

1. Aeschylus believed in the _____________________.

2. Of the ninety plays that Aeschylus wrote, how many have survived?

3. The tragedies of Aeschylus present death and suffering in a way that __________________________.

4. What did the Greeks view as important in men?

5. Thucydides wanted his work to be ________________________.

(see the answer keys)

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