The Greek Way Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 100 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Greek Way Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 100 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What was important to Greek poets?
(a) symbolism
(b) meter
(c) imagery
(d) ornateness

2. Hamilton compares reading Aristophanes to reading a _________________.
(a) comic book
(b) romance novel
(c) sports page
(d) newspaper

3. Those who are primarily concerned with the spiritual become ___________.
(a) scientists
(b) archaeologtists
(c) physicians
(d) artists

4. The works of Aristophanes were _______________________.
(a) for the upper classes only
(b) for men only
(c) for athletes only
(d) enjoyed by both men and women

5. Which city did Pindar live in?
(a) Crete
(b) Athens
(c) Sparta
(d) Thebes

6. In the ancient world, before the rise of Athens and the Greeks, the greatest civilization was ________________.
(a) Crete
(b) Sparta
(c) Egypt
(d) Rome

7. The artist conceptualizes reality in the form of _______________________.
(a) pure concepts
(b) he ignores reality
(c) there is no reality in art
(d) the symbol

8. Herodotus' History is concerned with ___________________________.
(a) the history of the godw
(b) the war with Sparta
(c) his travels and the Persian War
(d) life in Athens

9. Compared to Greek writing, English poetry is ____________________.
(a) about the same
(b) easier to interpret
(c) much simpler
(d) very ornate

10. Pindar's poems praised _________________________.
(a) the athletes of the games
(b) the common man
(c) the intellectuals
(d) the kind

11. Marathon was the site of ____________________________.
(a) the Athenian victory over Sparta
(b) the Persian victory over Athens
(c) the Athenian victory over the Persians
(d) the Athenian victory over Rome

12. Who, among the following, was a teacher?
(a) Sophocles
(b) Aeschylus
(c) Aristophanes
(d) Plato

13. Which city was responsible for a new civilization?
(a) Sparta
(b) Rome
(c) Crete
(d) Athens

14. Aristophanes is described as _____________________.
(a) the Old Comedy of Athens
(b) the Old Tragedy of Athens
(c) the Old Man of Athens
(d) The Athenian Comedian

15. Who was the only Athenian to suffer death for his opinions?
(a) Socrates
(b) Aristotle
(c) Plato
(d) Aristophanes

Short Answer Questions

1. Compared to the Hebrew writing in the Bible, Greek writing is ______________.

2. One way to learn the values of a society is to look at ______________________.

3. How many actors were in a play written by Aristophanes?

4. The Greeks had different rules of standards that applied to different people. This is evidence of their ________________.

5. The distinction between mind and spirit is important in the area of ___________.

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