The Greatest Miracle in the World Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Og Mandino
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 121 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Greatest Miracle in the World Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Og Mandino
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 121 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why did Og have a difficult time getting in the gate?
(a) it wouldn't open
(b) it kept shutting
(c) it would only open a few inches
(d) it was blocked by snow

2. Who picked Og off the junk pile sixteen years previously?
(a) Deepak Chopra
(b) Lonnie Goodman
(c) Abraham Maslow
(d) W. Clement Stone

3. What kind of book is "The Greatest Miracle in the World?"
(a) romance
(b) self-help book
(c) action/adventure
(d) murder mystery

4. Simon said happiness is not a cure-all, but it is this.
(a) an antidote
(b) icing on the cake
(c) the beginnings of a cure-all
(d) nice to have

5. What is the "Jonah" complex?
(a) running away from home
(b) refusing a request from God
(c) wanting to bury oneself in work
(d) desire to hide from the possibility of failure

6. What was the name of the book Og gave Simon?
(a) The Greatest Person in the World
(b) The Greatest Answer in the World
(c) The Greatest Salesman in the World
(d) The Greatest Question in the World

7. What did Simon believe one should do after making a decision?
(a) sit and plan it out
(b) get busy on it
(c) pray
(d) burn your bridges

8. Why did Simon think people could change their lives?
(a) we all have the innate ability
(b) we can ask for help
(c) we are human
(d) we are all smart

9. How did the gate at Og's building open?
(a) to the right
(b) upward
(c) to the left
(d) sliding backwards

10. Who was interested in acquiring Og Mandino's first book?
(a) several paperback houses
(b) Simon
(c) a playwright
(d) Hollywood

11. Why does Og tell Simon he looks great when Simon visits Og's office?
(a) Simon had a tan
(b) Simon wore a suit and tie
(c) Simon shaved off his beard
(d) Simon cut his hair

12. What did Og say to Simon about Simon's eyes?
(a) they are too deep-set
(b) they have a twinkle in them
(c) they are black
(d) they spark with anger

13. What happened to Bible sales when the book, "Magnificent Obsession" was published?
(a) it stayed the same
(b) it dropped
(c) they increased geometrically
(d) it increased slightly

14. How did Og keep Simon talking?
(a) recording the conversation
(b) making up stories
(c) nodding his head
(d) asking questions

15. Who said: "soil, no matter how rich, could not be productive without cultivation?"
(a) Andrew Jackson
(b) Sitting Bull
(c) Socrates
(d) Seneca

Short Answer Questions

1. Why does Simon call himself a ragpicker?

2. What did Og do when he first saw Simon?

3. What type of story is this book?

4. What phenomena does Simon suggest is the reason for Og's strange feelings around him?

5. Why did Og go in a church to pray?

(see the answer keys)

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