The Greatest Miracle in the World Quiz | Eight Week Quiz A

Og Mandino
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 121 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Greatest Miracle in the World Quiz | Eight Week Quiz A

Og Mandino
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 121 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Chapter 2.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why does Og want to stay at the magazine?
(a) it gives him structure
(b) he needs the money
(c) he likes working there
(d) he likes his secretary

2. On what is this book based?
(a) the plot of a science fiction movie
(b) nothing
(c) true experiences of Og Mandino
(d) the diary of Simon Potter

3. Why did Simon think raising the dead was still being done today?
(a) no one knows when someone is really dead
(b) the doctors bring people back all the time
(c) most people are living dead
(d) there is no such thing as death

4. When Og left Simon after his second encounter with him, what did he wonder?
(a) if Simon was real
(b) if Simon was a minister
(c) why Simon would be interested in him
(d) why Simon wasn't rich

5. How did Og try to open his gate?
(a) with a key
(b) on a number pad
(c) with a remote opener
(d) by pushing on the open bar

Short Answer Questions

1. What did Og do when he first saw Simon?

2. What did Simon suggest to Og about the gate?

3. Of what magazine was Og president ?

4. What does Simon do in his life?

5. When Simon called over to Og, who did he quote?

(see the answer key)

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