The Great War and Modern Memory Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 106 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Great War and Modern Memory Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 106 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Fussell begins by quoting a poem by whom?
(a) Laurence Binyon.
(b) Thomas Hardy.
(c) Walt Whitman.
(d) George Sherston.

2. The British had failed to do what by Christmas 1915?
(a) Win any battles.
(b) Win the war.
(c) Break through German lines.
(d) Start a piece treaty.

3. Where did this battle the British commander was preparing for against the Germans take place?
(a) Somme.
(b) Germany.
(c) Atlantic.
(d) Britian.

4. When soldiers wrote letters home, they were not always _____.
(a) Respectful when writing about others.
(b) All answers are correct.
(c) Candid.
(d) Honest.

5. A rumor of most wars concerns _____.
(a) Troops.
(b) Generals.
(c) Deserters.
(d) Officers.

Short Answer Questions

1. What was the title of the poem that spoke of the symbolization for the colors for hospitalization and injury?

2. What were these trenches called?

3. According to the crucifixion story, what was the soldier crucified to?

4. According to this crucifixion story, who stood around until this soldier died?

5. One store that had a gift assortment that could be sent to men at the front was _____.

Short Essay Questions

1. What has happened to the area by the Somme River where a fierce battle in the war took place?

2. What three things happened in November 1918 when the Allies broke through the German lines with their counterattack?

3. What is the title of the third and final volume of the trilogy by Siegfried Sassoon, and what is the third volume about?

4. Name some assumptions made by the British on entering the war?

5. Fussell uses a variety of works by Sigfried Sassoon that he discusses in the book. What is the title of the first volume of Sassoon's trilogy, and what is the first volume about?

6. What is the relationship between the officers and the soldiers?

7. What is the myth of the ruined basilica with a statue of the Virgin and Child on top in Albert, France?

8. What happened to the trenches when the wars ended?

9. Explain the story of the Crucified Canadian?

10. How does George Sherston use the sky within his writings?

(see the answer keys)

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