The Great Hunt Test | Final Test - Hard

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The Great Hunt Test | Final Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 152 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. Where does Mim say that Egwene has gone when Rand wakes up?

2. Who does the man say he suspected when he first saw his guard was killed?

3. What happens to a damane if they move their bracelet from where their sal'dam has put it?

4. What does Renna promise Egwene when Egwene proves that she can find ores in the ground?

5. Why does Ing'tar send Uno out to find clothes in Chapter forty-one?

Short Essay Questions

1. Describe the scene where Turak and Rand have their fight.

2. What does Hurin explain to Rand when he receives the invitations from the two powerful houses in Chapter thirty?

3. Describe the scene in Chapter forty-three when Nynaeve meets for the first time with Captain Domon.

4. What happens when Renna comes to Egwene's room and discovers that Egwene has been trying to channel without permission?

5. What happens after Mat blows the horn?

6. Describe what happens when Turak and his men first enter the room where Ing'tar and his men are standing with the Horn.

7. Describe what Rand sees in the other lives he sees while trying to use the Portal Stone.

8. What happens when Liandrin sends the girls through the Waygate into Toman Head?

9. What does Barthanes tell Rand as Rand is leaving Barthanes's home?

10. What does Renna explain to Egwene about the damane and the sal'dam?

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

1) Is there any doubt that Liandrin was a member of the Black Ajah? Explain.

2) Why is Liandrin not shown again in this story? Do you believe she will be seen again later in the series or that her role is finished?

3) Did Liandrin ever lie? It is known that an Aes Sedai can't lie. What did Liandrin say that made sense after it was known what she was planning?

Essay Topic 2

Pick one of the following topics to write about.

1) What name would the wolves give you?

2) Would you rather meet a golm or a trolloc?

3) Speculate on who killed Barthanes and why.

Essay Topic 3

1) Why does Nynaeve dislike the Aes Sedai so much and yet want to be one.

2) Compare Nynaeve's character to that of the Aes Sedai. What do they have in common? In what ways do they differ?

3) What does Nynaeve's time in the arches reveal about her character?

(see the answer keys)

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