The Great Hunt Test | Mid-Book Test - Hard

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The Great Hunt Test | Mid-Book Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 152 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is on the new cloak that Rand receives in Chapter two?

2. What does the Warder tell Rand about the sword that he carries?

3. Who rides up on Ing'tar and his men in Chapter fourteen?

4. What does Nynaeve do while trying to stir the wind in Chapter twelve?

5. What does Moiraine say about the things that are happening in the very beginning of Chapter twenty-two?

Short Essay Questions

1. Describe the clothing that is made for Rand.

2. Why is Mim at the White Tower?

3. What does Rand see in the dungeon after the attack?

4. Describe the discussion in Chapter three when Mat implies that he is going to leave with Rand?

5. Describe Rand's encounter with Ba'alzamon in Chapter fifteen.

6. Describe the dream that Rand has in Chapter six.

7. Describe what is seen of Bayle Domon in the end of Chapter nine?

8. Describe what happens in Chapter ten when the bodies of the two men, presumably guards, are found in the tree.

9. What does Moiraine fear after talking to Lan in Chapter twenty-two?

10. Describe the scene in Chapter four when Liandrin and Anaiya are taking Moiraine to the Amyrlin.

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

1) What role does Rand play in the story? What are his strengths? His weaknesses?

2) Why does Rand fight so hard against Hurin calling him Lord and bowing before him?

3) Explain the way that Rand feels about Egwene compared to how he feels about Selene.

Essay Topic 2

1) Was it a surprise that it was Ing'tar that was a Darkfriend? Explain why or why not.

2) Describe Ing'tar's character. Why did he suddenly choose to help Rand after having plotted against him for so long?

3) If you had thought there might be a Darkfriend in Ing'tar's group who would have been your first suspicion and why?

Essay Topic 3

1) Of the three girls that have been seen so far, Egwene, Elayne and Mim, which does it seem most likely that Rand would marry if any? Explain your answer.

2) Why did Egwene not wait for Rand to wake up before she left?

3) Explain why Egwene began fighting before it was necessary after Nynaeve had rescued her.

(see the answer keys)

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