The Great Hunt Test | Final Test - Medium

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The Great Hunt Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 152 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Elayne use her power to do in Chapter forty-tow?
(a) Get a horse.
(b) Take a dress.
(c) Steal some apples.
(d) Trip a soldier.

2. What does Rand suddenly remember at the end of Chapter forty-seven while he is battling Ba'alzamon?
(a) How much he loves Egwene.
(b) What Lan told him about sheathing a sword.
(c) That death cannot be his end.
(d) That he didn't eat breakfast.

3. What does Ing'tar explain is the reason he was able to kill the guard so quietly?
(a) The guard was asleep.
(b) The guard was overconfident.
(c) The guard was already dead.
(d) Ing'tar is that good.

4. What does Mim say she sees around Egwene, Elayne, and Nynaeve?
(a) Light.
(b) Love.
(c) Darkness.
(d) Danger.

5. What are the shards that Moiraine shows to Rand at the end of the story?
(a) Part of Ba'alzamon's armor.
(b) Part of the seals that hold the dark one in place.
(c) A necklace that Rand had given Egwene.
(d) Stones from the Waygate.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Verin tell Rand about the strange statue that is being dug up?

2. What does Renna say she wants to hear before she stops punishing Egwene in the end of Chapter forty-two?

3. What is Thom's initial response when Rand tells him that they have the Horn?

4. What does Erith give Loial?

5. What does Barthanes say he has for Rand?

Short Essay Questions

1. What does Moiraine tell Rand when he wakes up?

2. What happens after Mat blows the horn?

3. Describe what happens after Mim finds Rand hurt.

4. Describe what happens in Chapter twenty-eight when Ing'tar and his men come upon an Aeil.

5. What does Thom find when he comes home in Chapter thirty-four?

6. What does Uno and the rest of Ing'tar's men do when Rand steps out of the tent?

7. What does Hurin explain to Rand when he receives the invitations from the two powerful houses in Chapter thirty?

8. What does Renna explain to Egwene about the damane and the sal'dam?

9. Describe what happens when Turak and his men first enter the room where Ing'tar and his men are standing with the Horn.

10. Describe the scene in Chapter forty-three when Nynaeve meets for the first time with Captain Domon.

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