The Great Hunt Test | Final Test - Medium

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The Great Hunt Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 152 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Rand realize while he is battling Ba'alzamon and Arthur is battling in Falme?
(a) The two battles are connected.
(b) Rand needs to leave Ba'alzamon to help Arthur.
(c) He is going to loose.
(d) There is a new leader of Arthur's men.

2. What does Thom find when he returns to his room?
(a) Dena is gone with all Thom's things.
(b) Rand has sent Thom a message.
(c) There are the king's guards waiting for him.
(d) Dena is dead and Thom is attacked.

3. What does Egwene do when Renna walks in the room after Egwene's collar has been taken off?
(a) Egwene hits Renna with a pitcher and attacks her.
(b) Egwene hits Renna with her channeling.
(c) Egwene kicks Renna in the face.
(d) Egwene stabs Renna with a knife from Mim.

4. What does Alar say about moving the giant portal stone?
(a) It seemed to resist being moved.
(b) They were afraid to move it.
(c) It moved on its own.
(d) There was no need to move it.

5. What does Renna say she wants to hear before she stops punishing Egwene in the end of Chapter forty-two?
(a) How to find Rand.
(b) Where Mim is going.
(c) Her loyalty to Falme.
(d) How much she loves being a damane.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Erith say that the Aiel have come to their stedding for?

2. What does Uno and the rest of Ing'tar's men do when Rand walks out of the tent?

3. What are the shards that Moiraine shows to Rand at the end of the story?

4. Who is at the Ogier stedding in Chapter thirty-five?

5. What does Verin say they need in order to get into Lord Barthanes's manor?

Short Essay Questions

1. Describe what Rand sees in the other lives he sees while trying to use the Portal Stone.

2. What does Verin tell Rand after they are through the portal?

3. What does Moiraine tell Rand when he wakes up?

4. What is discovered about the sal'dam after the collars are put on two of the sul'dam by Nynaeve?

5. Explain what Mim sees around Nynaeve, Egwene, and Elayne in Chapter thirty-eight.

6. Describe what happens in Chapter twenty-eight when Ing'tar and his men come upon an Aeil.

7. What do the elder Olgier's say in Chapter thirty-six?

8. What does Renna explain to Egwene about the damane and the sal'dam?

9. Describe what happens after Mim finds Rand hurt.

10. What does Hurin tell Rand after Rand burns the three invitations he gets?

(see the answer keys)

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