The Great Hunt Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

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The Great Hunt Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 152 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does the Amyrlin Seat say that they have done in order to get to Moiraine quickly?
(a) Used all their power combined.
(b) Turn tides and manipulate the wind.
(c) Called upon the spirits.
(d) Taken shipping vessels.

2. What does Moiraine say is wrong with Egwene?
(a) She has been poisoned.
(b) She has had magic done to her.
(c) She is under a sleeping spell.
(d) A head injury.

3. What does Moiraine empty from her pouch to show the Amyrlin?
(a) Fortune stones.
(b) A broken heartstone.
(c) Dragon scales.
(d) A pile of money.

4. What does Moiraine say will happen to the world no matter what they do?
(a) It will go on the same way it has.
(b) It will burn.
(c) It will continue to turn.
(d) It will be united under a single power.

5. What does Moiraine fear when she sees the Draghkar?
(a) His claws.
(b) His feet.
(c) His kiss.
(d) His teeth.

Short Answer Questions

1. What item do the men that Rand sees at the palace wear that labels them as Warders in Chapter two?

2. Who is the man that Egwene and Elayne see in the hallway?

3. What does Lan give to Nynaeve in Chapter eight?

4. What does Rand ask Egwene to promise him in the end of Chapter eight?

5. Why is it that Moiraine and the other sisters didn't feel the Draghkar when it got close to the house?

Short Essay Questions

1. What happens in Chapter four when Moiraine enters to speak to the Amyrlin?

2. What does Lan instruct Rand in while they are heading to see the Amyrlin?

3. What is Egwene told in Chapter eleven when she tells one of the Aes Sedai that she has had dreams of Rand?

4. What does Rand see in the dungeon after the attack?

5. Describe the scene in Chapter four when Liandrin and Anaiya are taking Moiraine to the Amyrlin.

6. Describe Selene that Rand and the others meet in Chapter sixteen.

7. What does Selene continue to tell Rand about the Horn?

8. Describe what is seen of Bayle Domon in the end of Chapter nine?

9. What happens in Chapter ten when Rand walks into an abandoned home?

10. What does Elayne explain after they see Logain in the hall?

(see the answer keys)

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