The Great Hunt Test | Final Test - Easy

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The Great Hunt Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 152 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Verin tell the group to do when they are in Lord Barthanes's?
(a) To stay together.
(b) To keep close to Barthane.
(c) To keep separate to avoid suspicion.
(d) To talk loudly and subtly offend the lords and ladies.

2. How does Hurin's behavior change as is described in Chapter thirty?
(a) He is getting more attached to the trunk and the dagger.
(b) He starts distrusting Loial.
(c) He gets more nervous.
(d) He becomes more formal toward Rand everyday.

3. What does Min see above Nynaeve's head while reading her in Chapter forty-three?
(a) A sword.
(b) A ring.
(c) A horse.
(d) A statue.

4. What does Mim say is wrong with Galad?
(a) He is stupid.
(b) He is self absorbed.
(c) He wants more than one woman.
(d) He is too good.

5. What does Hurin come to tell Rand has happened?
(a) Ing'tar has requested Rand's company.
(b) Verin has called for Rand.
(c) Rand's servant has gone missing.
(d) Rand's servant has twisted his knee.

6. Who does Nynaeve think she sees for a moment in Chapter forty-two?
(a) Rand.
(b) Lan.
(c) Fain.
(d) Moiraine.

7. What is Rand given when he goes downstairs?
(a) A letter from Moiraine.
(b) A letter from Selene.
(c) Three invitations.
(d) A message from the Captain of the guard.

8. What does Perrin explain that the wolves call the one that killed the Trollocs that were found?
(a) Shadowkiller.
(b) Giant man.
(c) Wolf hater.
(d) Simply Friend.

9. What does Rand suddenly remember at the end of Chapter forty-seven while he is battling Ba'alzamon?
(a) That death cannot be his end.
(b) How much he loves Egwene.
(c) That he didn't eat breakfast.
(d) What Lan told him about sheathing a sword.

10. What does Uno and the rest of Ing'tar's men do when Rand walks out of the tent?
(a) They warn him they will kill him the next time they meet.
(b) They give him all their swords as they leave.
(c) They hug him before going home.
(d) They swear loyalty to Rand.

11. Why does Mim explain that she is wearing breeches and a man's shirt when the other three girls are dressed in fine dresses in chapter thirty-nine?
(a) She is afraid she will have to fight.
(b) She can pass for a servant.
(c) She doesn't own a dress.
(d) She hasn't shaved her legs.

12. What does Erith say that the Aiel have come to their stedding for?
(a) Sungwood.
(b) Looking for Trollocs.
(c) They have come for a wedding.
(d) They are trading supplies.

13. What does the damane do when Nynaeve frees her from her collar in Chapter forty-five?
(a) Kills herself.
(b) Bursts into flames.
(c) Screams.
(d) Punches her sul'dam in the face.

14. What creatures does Rand and the others see in Falme in Chapter forty-five?
(a) Grolms.
(b) Fades.
(c) Darkfriends.
(d) Trollocs.

15. What does Elayne use her power to do in Chapter forty-tow?
(a) Trip a soldier.
(b) Get a horse.
(c) Take a dress.
(d) Steal some apples.

Short Answer Questions

1. What do Rand and Loial find when they return to the Inn?

2. What does Barthanes say he has for Rand?

3. What does Ing'tar explain is the reason he was able to kill the guard so quietly?

4. What does Verdin say about Mat and his illness?

5. What does Zera tell Thom he should do after Rand has gone?

(see the answer keys)

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