The Great Hunt Quiz | Four Week Quiz B

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The Great Hunt Quiz | Four Week Quiz B

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 152 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Chapters 41-44.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What happens to a damane if they move their bracelet from where their sal'dam has put it?
(a) The sul'dam is aware of the change.
(b) The damane undergoes great pain until the sal'dam gets the bracelet.
(c) It is different for each damane.
(d) The damane dies.

2. What does the Amyrlin say will be enough to have both her and Moiraine stilled?
(a) What she and Moiraine are planning.
(b) The power that they control.
(c) Rand's presence.
(d) The rains and floods that are going to happen.

3. What does Verin say they need in order to get into Lord Barthanes's manor?
(a) A bag of gold.
(b) An invitation.
(c) News of the battle.
(d) A present.

4. What does Rand ask Egwene to promise him in the end of Chapter eight?
(a) That she will fight the Aes Sedai.
(b) That she won't choose the Red Ajah.
(c) That she will get on with her life.
(d) That she will wait for him.

5. What does Selene tell Rand to do with the dagger that he has taken from Fain and the Darkfriends?
(a) Destroy it.
(b) Burry it.
(c) Send it into the strange land they have come from.
(d) Let her carry it.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who does Rand find telling stories in chapter twenty-five?

2. What does Rand do to keep the chest from being easily seen when they go into the village?

3. What does the Warder tell Rand about the sword that he carries?

4. What does Ing'tar say that they will say is Perrin's ability?

5. What do Rand and Loial find when they return to the Inn?

(see the answer key)

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