The Great Fire Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 117 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Great Fire Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 117 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What makes Peter realize he can never love Rita?
(a) Her unwillingness to marry him.
(b) Her unwillingness to smile.
(c) Her unwillingness to help the child.
(d) Her laziness at work.

2. What happens to Peter?
(a) He leaves China to avoid Rita.
(b) He is wounded in a fight with the tailor.
(c) He gets ill from the infected child.
(d) He leaves China to search for Aldred.

3. What does Peter's emergency force Aldred to do?
(a) Sign up for the spy job.
(b) Write Helen a letter.
(c) Go to New Zealand.
(d) Write Benedict a letter.

4. What does Aldred think of most girls?
(a) That they are kind.
(b) That they are organized.
(c) That they are chatty.
(d) That they are pretty.

5. What is the one thing Aurora wants to know about Aldred when they meet before she leaves for Kenya?
(a) If he ever loves Oliver.
(b) If he still loves Aurora.
(c) If he has a woman in his life.
(d) If he wants to go to Kenya with her.

6. How does Helen describe Dench?
(a) Nice.
(b) Rude.
(c) Creepy.
(d) Handsome.

7. Who has Aldred's papers that are hiding under Benedict's bed?
(a) Peter.
(b) Tad.
(c) Dench.
(d) Helen.

8. Where is Audrey sailing?
(a) The United States.
(b) Yokohama.
(c) Tokyo.
(d) Kure.

9. Why doesn't Mrs. Ballie like Helen?
(a) She can't type.
(b) She lives overseas.
(c) She wears a fancy coat.
(d) She speaks foreign languages.

10. How does Mrs. Fry know about Aldred?
(a) Helen talks about him.
(b) The postman tells her about Aldred.
(c) She reads one of his letters to Helen.
(d) She overhears Melba talking about him.

11. What happens to the child Peter takes to the hospital?
(a) She dies in the hospital.
(b) She dies in the taxi.
(c) She is alive but paralyzed.
(d) She lives.

12. How many steps to the top of the Monument?
(a) 301.
(b) 413.
(c) 311.
(d) 411.

13. What word has Aldred NOT used to Helen yet?
(a) Complete.
(b) Forever.
(c) Love.
(d) Marriage.

14. Who does Peter take to da Silva's wedding?
(a) Helen.
(b) Audrey.
(c) Rita Xavier.
(d) Patti.

15. Where does Aldred take Helen on New Year's Day?
(a) To a park.
(b) To a party.
(c) To a river.
(d) To a temple.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Mrs. Fry want Helen to write Aldred?

2. How does Aldred want to help the Laister family?

3. Why can't Peter take Rita to Australia?

4. How does Aldred expect to die from in the past?

5. Who sails on The Mariposa?

(see the answer keys)

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