The Great Divorce Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 125 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Great Divorce Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 125 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How had the Tousle-Headed Poet killed himself?
(a) He hung himself.
(b) He jumped under a train.
(c) He jumped off a building.
(d) He shot himself.

2. What does the Tousle-Headed Poet hope to find at the end of the journey?
(a) Love.
(b) Enlightenment.
(c) Recognition.
(d) Money.

3. What was Napoleon doing when the two men went to see him?
(a) Laughing.
(b) Singing.
(c) Dancing.
(d) Pacing.

4. What sound does the narrator hear from the stillness of the open door before he exits the bus?
(a) A falcon.
(b) An owl.
(c) A bee.
(d) A lark.

5. What does the face of the Bright Man who approaches the Big Ghost make the narrator want to do?
(a) Run.
(b) Sing.
(c) Cry.
(d) Dance.

6. What proves difficult for the narrator when wandering the new land?
(a) Sailing the river.
(b) Walking on grass.
(c) Breathing.
(d) Flying.

7. What is the man wearing whom the narrator sits next to after the tussle on the bus?
(a) A bowler hat.
(b) A fake moustache.
(c) A fedora.
(d) A sombrero.

8. Where is the one place the narrator encounters people in the gray town?
(a) The train station.
(b) The airport.
(c) The bookstore.
(d) The bus stop.

9. What does the narrator come to envy as he begins exploring?
(a) A tree.
(b) A bird.
(c) A bee.
(d) A flower.

10. How much does a man in line offer the woman to trade places?
(a) Three bob.
(b) Five bob.
(c) Two bob.
(d) Sixpence.

11. What do you have to do to build a house, according to the narrator's companion on the bus?
(a) Think it.
(b) Rent your soul.
(c) Pay for builders.
(d) Buy it.

12. What country's alignment in the war troubled the Tousle-Headed Poet?
(a) Ireland's.
(b) Russia's.
(c) England's.
(d) Switzerland's.

13. How far is the bus stop from the Civic Center?
(a) One mile.
(b) Thousands of miles.
(c) Sixteen blocks.
(d) Ten miles.

14. What is remarkable about the people who approach from the mountain?
(a) Their invisibility.
(b) Their brightness.
(c) Their anger.
(d) Their fear.

15. What will go on spreading indefinitely?
(a) The gray town.
(b) The Earth.
(c) The Heavens.
(d) The stars.

Short Answer Questions

1. What animals does the narrator encounter in the beginning of Chapter 5?

2. What does the woman in the line say to the man she's with?

3. What does the passenger next to the narrator take from his pocket?

4. Who does the Hard-Bitten Ghost say that both sides in all the wars were run by?

5. What does the Ghost tell Dick that his opinions in life were, in addition to being honest?

(see the answer keys)

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