The Great Bridge Test | Final Test - Medium

David McCullough
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 132 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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The Great Bridge Test | Final Test - Medium

David McCullough
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 132 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In total, how much does the Brooklyn Bridge cost to build?
(a) $15 million.
(b) $5 million.
(c) $10 million.
(d) $20 million.

2. What future event is discussed by the old woman who retrospectively remembers the opening of the Brooklyn Bridge?
(a) The invention of the Internet.
(b) The completion of the Suaz Canal.
(c) The construction of the Great Wall of China.
(d) The moon landing.

3. How many people gather to watch the first cable car cross the East River?
(a) 6,000.
(b) 600.
(c) 60,000.
(d) 60.

4. Where does the Roebling family rent a cottage to get away from the stress of the Brooklyn Bridge?
(a) Nantucket.
(b) Naples.
(c) Newport.
(d) Nice.

5. Which newspaper sticks by Hewitt's projections for the wire contract, even though he is not an engineer?
(a) The Tribune.
(b) The Eagle.
(c) The Times.
(d) The Herald.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is the name of the company that wins the wire contract for the Brooklyn Bridge?

2. How many miles of wire are held inside each drum?

3. How many companies bid for the lucrative wire contract?

4. How much of the Brooklyn Bridge's construction costs is New York City expected to pay?

5. By what year does Murphy predict the bridge will be complete?

Short Essay Questions

1. What is life like for Washington Roebling during the three years he is forced to live in Trenton?

2. Why do the bridge workers go on strike in 1872.

3. What symptoms of the Bends does Dr. Smith encounter during his research of the disease?

4. How does Emily help Washington celebrate the bridge's completion?

5. What lifestyle does Dr. Smith notice of the men living in the tenements near the construction site?

6. What statements about wire and Roebling does the Herald print, even though they are not factual?

7. What was work like for the men who first began construction on the Brooklyn footbridge?

8. How did non-ticketholders find a way to join in the celebration of the opening of the Brooklyn Bridge?

9. How do the crowds react to the first wires being suspended from the Brooklyn Bridge?

10. What happens when Low takes Roebling to court for management power?

(see the answer keys)

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