The Great Believers Test | Final Test - Medium

Rebecca Makkai
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Great Believers Test | Final Test - Medium

Rebecca Makkai
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Arnaud reports that Claire is living in what type of location outside of Paris?
(a) A chateau.
(b) A villa.
(c) A suburb.
(d) An apartment building.

2. What is Fiona's granddaughter's name?
(a) Nicole.
(b) Nicolette.
(c) Charmaine.
(d) Charlotte.

3. Yale's father tells Yale, "I can never tell if you're being" (322) what?
(a) Sarcastic.
(b) Ironic.
(c) Naive.
(d) Nasty.

4. In what religion had Roman been brought up?
(a) Baptist.
(b) Mormonism.
(c) Scientology.
(d) Catholicism.

5. At what type of event does Yale confront Roman?
(a) A dinner party.
(b) A carnival.
(c) A parade.
(d) A funeral.

Short Answer Questions

1. Yale finds out at the pride parade what information about Roman?

2. Richard suggests that Fiona track down which of her family members while she is in Paris?

3. Who had brought Claire to Fiona when she had first been born?

4. Teddy and Charlie have not been together for what span of time prior to Charlie's diagnosis?

5. Fiona tells Jake that the photograph showing her in the hospital with a man is a photo of whom?

Short Essay Questions

1. Who brings Fiona's daughter Claire to her for the first time and how does Fiona react?

2. What is Fiona's main concern about people finding out that she has slept with Jake?

3. At what age had Claire started to help Fiona in the furniture store and what tasks had she performed?

4. What simile is used to indicate how Julian feels about Roscoe?

5. What techniques does Makkai use in order to portray Yale's mood as he returns home from a business trip?

6. When Yale speaks to his father over the phone, the narrator reveals that Yale has not told his father about what subjects?

7. Describe the setting of Fiona's meeting with Claire.

8. Who is waiting for Yale when he returns home from a business trip and who is also home, but does not reveal himself?

9. What conclusion does Yale draw about the bad news he hears from Teresa?

10. What major news does Yale receive from Teresa, Charlie's mother?

(see the answer keys)

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