The Great Believers Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Rebecca Makkai
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Great Believers Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Rebecca Makkai
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is the name of the person who disapproves of Nora's inclusion of donations within her estate?
(a) Cassandra.
(b) Debra.
(c) Jennifer.
(d) Meg.

2. Fiona hires a private investigator in order to find whom?
(a) Amy.
(b) Fifi.
(c) Charlotte.
(d) Claire.

3. From whom does Fiona think her daughter Claire inherited her talents?
(a) Nico.
(b) Nora.
(c) Richard.
(d) Fiona.

4. For what reason had Nico's parents cut him off in his young adulthood?
(a) For being gay.
(b) For refusing to attend college.
(c) For getting a young woman pregnant.
(d) For eloping.

5. Nora uses what method of communication to tell the university that she would like to make a donation?
(a) A telegram.
(b) An e-mail.
(c) A phone call.
(d) A letter.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who is Arnaud within the narrative?

2. When the story jumps to 2015, Fiona is on a plane bound for what location?

3. Whom does Yale go to visit in the hospital when he returns home to find someone missing?

4. What object does the person in Fiona's dream reveal?

5. At whose house is a wake celebrating Nico's life held?

Short Essay Questions

1. How does the dream motif arise early in Fiona's time in Paris?

2. What is the symbolism of Nico's orange scarf?

3. What is the source of Yale's fear of being tricked?

4. What major purchase does Yale consider making within the narrative and why?

5. Who serves as Terrence's power of attorney near the end of his life?

6. In what way had Fiona spend her twentieth birthday and how had it contrasted with her twenty-first birthday?

7. With what aspect of Arnaud's investigation is Fiona frustrated?

8. What information does Fiona report to Yale about her family's cleaning out of Nico's place and how does Yale react?

9. What step must first be taken before art can be donated?

10. What realization does Yale make while in the bathroom with Julian at the party?

(see the answer keys)

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