The Great Alone Test | Final Test - Medium

Kristin Hannah
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 130 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Great Alone Test | Final Test - Medium

Kristin Hannah
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 130 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What gift does Matthew give to Leni when he returns in Chapter 14?
(a) A necklace.
(b) A bracelet.
(c) A camera.
(d) A ring.

2. In what year does Chapter 27 open?
(a) 1979.
(b) 1992.
(c) 1982.
(d) 1986.

3. When is the newspaper article that Matthew set aside as a birthday gift for Leni dated?
(a) July 4, 1965.
(b) July 4, 1970.
(c) July 4, 1972.
(d) July 4, 1979.

4. To whom is Leni's letter addressed in the opening of Chapter 23?
(a) The admissions director of the University of Alaska, Anchorage.
(b) The bank director that has offered her student loans.
(c) Her grandparents.
(d) Matthew.

5. By what alias is Leni living in Chapter 27?
(a) Emily Williams.
(b) Susan Grant.
(c) Jennifer Watkins.
(d) Jessica Anderson.

Short Answer Questions

1. What item does Large Marge give to Leni at the store in Chapter 23?

2. Who is the serial killer that Leni mentions in her Personal Statement?

3. How old is Leni's grandfather described as being in Chapter 25?

4. What is printed on the spray-painted sign on the Allbrights' gate in Chapter 20 (242)?

5. Where is Leni camping with her family in the beginning of Chapter 27?

Short Essay Questions

1. How does Leni manage to meet up with Matthew in Chapter 19? What happens when they do?

2. What is related in Leni's "My Alaska" essay in the novel's conclusion?

3. How is the theme of deception developed in Chapters 17 and 18?

4. What does Ernt propose to do in order to protect the Harlan compound in Part 2? How is this proposal met by the Harlans?

5. What is the result of Leni's confession in Chapter 29?

6. How does Large Marge help Cora and Leni after Ernt's death?

7. How does Matthew become seriously injured in Part 2?

8. What does Large Marge do upon entering the courthouse in Chapter 30?

9. What plan do Leni and Cora devise immediately after Ernt's death?

10. What conflict emerges at Mad Earl's funeral?

(see the answer keys)

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