The Gravity of Us Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Phil Stamper
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 124 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Gravity of Us Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Phil Stamper
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 124 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What train does Cal exit in Times Square in Chapter 1?
(a) The A train.
(b) The Q train.
(c) The 7 train.
(d) The F train.

2. For what commercial airline has Cal's father been working as a pilot?
(a) Delta.
(b) American Airlines.
(c) Southwest Airlines.
(d) Pan-Am.

3. Where does Cal go after learning about the plane crash in Chapter 13?
(a) To Shannon's house.
(b) To his father's office.
(c) To Deb's apartment.
(d) To Leon's house.

4. Who lets Leon and Cal try out the space simulator in Chapter 11?
(a) Carmela.
(b) Byron.
(c) Stephanie.
(d) Andrea.

5. What news outlet picked up Cal's article about NASA buying every house on the market in Clear Lake?
(a) The New York Times.
(b) The Washington Post.
(c) CNN.
(d) MSNBC.

6. Where does Brendan take Leon and Cal to meet back up with Donna in Chapter 12?
(a) The front lobby.
(b) The parking lot.
(c) The flight simulator deck.
(d) The cafeteria.

7. What does Cal refer to as his porkpie hat with a wide brim in Chapter 10?
(a) His Buster Keaton hat.
(b) His George Michael hat.
(c) His John Mayer hat.
(d) His Dr. Seuss hat.

8. What is Brendan's last name?
(a) Roberts.
(b) Stein.
(c) Lewis.
(d) James.

9. What word does Leon ask Cal not to use in Chapter 9?
(a) "Stan."
(b) "Sir."
(c) "Par'dner."
(d) "Howdy."

10. What band does Cal listen to in order to drown out his parents' arguing in Chapter 2?
(a) Nirvana.
(b) The Beatles.
(c) Cheap Trick.
(d) The Who.

11. What season and episode of Shooting Stars is featured in the end of Chapter 6?
(a) Season 1; Episode 5.
(b) Season 2; Episode 6.
(c) Season 1; Episode 4.
(d) Season 2; Episode 3.

12. Where did Cal first meet Deb?
(a) At the movie theater.
(b) At the skate park.
(c) At the mailbox.
(d) At the mall.

13. Where does Cal say his father just flew back from in Chapter 1?
(a) Atlanta.
(b) Cape Canaveral.
(c) Houston.
(d) Las Vegas.

14. Who did Cal kiss that caused his romantic relationship with Deb to end?
(a) Richard.
(b) Josh.
(c) James.
(d) Jeremy.

15. How many viewers does Cal describe watching his weekly update live in the beginning of Chapter 1?
(a) 1.2 million.
(b) 25,000.
(c) 80,000.
(d) 50,000.

Short Answer Questions

1. What season of Shooting Stars appears at the end of Chapter 11?

2. Where is the Holiday Inn that Cal jokes about reviewing on his video update in Chapter 5?

3. What season and episode of Shooting Stars appears at the end of Chapter 12?

4. How long is the car ride from Brooklyn to Clear Lake described as in Chapter 5?

5. What is the setting of Chapter 8?

(see the answer keys)

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