The Graduation of Jake Moon Test | Final Test - Medium

Barbara Park
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 118 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Graduation of Jake Moon Test | Final Test - Medium

Barbara Park
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 118 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What did the cops do at the park?
(a) They set up a grid search.
(b) Nothing. They left it alone.
(c) They sent dogs on the scent.
(d) They sent divers into the lake.

2. When did Jake get home from searching?
(a) After lunch.
(b) The next day.
(c) After an hour of searching.
(d) After dark.

3. What was the cop's attitude?
(a) He was ready to hunt Skelly down.
(b) He thought carefully about every move he made.
(c) He was care-free and easy-going.
(d) He was acting tired.

4. How did Jake feel about his eighth grade graduation?
(a) He didn't really care about it.
(b) He is very excited about it.
(c) He wants to ignore it.
(d) He was nervous about it.

5. What woke Jake up Saturday morning?
(a) Skelly came into his room.
(b) Someone kept pressing the door buzzer.
(c) His mom was screaming and crying.
(d) The smell of bacon.

Short Answer Questions

1. What had someone given Skelly as he was wandering?

2. How does Aunt Marguerite help take care of Skelly?

3. What did Mrs. Russell do while Skelly was gone?

4. What did Mrs. Russell say could have brought the find to the park?

5. How did Skelly react to the attention he received when he got home?

Short Essay Questions

1. How did Jake feel about sleeping while Skelly was missing?

2. How did Jake treat Mrs. Russell?

3. Why had the police officer come so early in the morning, and what did he bring with him?

4. What happened to Jake at school in regard to his book report?

5. What problem did Jake have with his book report, and how did his teacher response?

6. What was the policeman like who helped Jake look for his grandfather?

7. How did Jake reacted to the news of his grandfather's disappearance?

8. What was different when Jake went home from school after the fire drill?

9. What had happened to Skelly?

10. Jake watched Mrs. Russell out the window as she helped Skelly. How did she treat him?

(see the answer keys)

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