The Graduation of Jake Moon Test | Final Test - Easy

Barbara Park
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 118 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Graduation of Jake Moon Test | Final Test - Easy

Barbara Park
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 118 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How did Jake stay awake?
(a) He talked with James.
(b) He sang.
(c) Cold showers.
(d) He looked through photo albums.

2. What does James accuse the cab driver of?
(a) Stealing a shopping cart.
(b) Driving too fast.
(c) Ignorance.
(d) Overcharging.

3. What happened to Skelly?
(a) He stole from the grocery store.
(b) He wandered away fromt he Senior Center.
(c) He was injured.
(d) He hurt someone by accident.

4. What did Mrs. Russell call the cab driver?
(a) An angel.
(b) A sweet man.
(c) Candle Burns.
(d) A tattooed beast.

5. What did Jake miss as he prepared his book report?
(a) The bus.
(b) Lunch.
(c) A class meeting.
(d) An important class announcement.

6. How did Mrs. Russell react when she saw what the cops found in the park?
(a) She put it on her head, declaring that it wouldn't come off until Skelly came home.
(b) She passed out.
(c) She mouthed a silent cuss word.
(d) She couldn't take her eyes off it.

7. What had someone given Skelly as he was wandering?
(a) A black eye.
(b) A religious tract.
(c) A plastic bottle of water.
(d) Some money.

8. How did Jake feel about the book he had to read for class?
(a) He identified with it.
(b) He thought it was stupid.
(c) He hated it.
(d) He thought it was funny.

9. Why does Jake think Mr. Waxman is suspicious?
(a) The man always dresses in black.
(b) He never fully opens his door.
(c) He has never seen the man.
(d) The man won't look anyone in the eye.

10. What did the family eat for dinner the night Skelly disappeared?
(a) Nobody was hungry.
(b) Pasta.
(c) Food from the neighbors.
(d) Pizza.

11. What was Skelly wearing?
(a) A heavy winter coat.
(b) Pants, but no shirt.
(c) HIs favorite pajamas.
(d) White painter's overalls.

12. What kind of cooking does Aunt Marguerite excel in?
(a) Italian.
(b) Oriental.
(c) Grilling.
(d) Ordering out.

13. Why did Ma and Aunt Marguerite leave the room?
(a) They were hungry.
(b) James and Jake were fighting again.
(c) They wanted to look out the window for Skelly.
(d) They wanted to get some sleep.

14. What does Aunt Marguerite do with Skelly after dinner?
(a) She takes him for a walk.
(b) Reads a story to him.
(c) Watches television with him.
(d) Watches a movie with him.

15. What was the cop car like?
(a) It was brand new.
(b) It was falling apart.
(c) Very clean
(d) It smelled like BO and cigarrettes.

Short Answer Questions

1. Where was Mrs. Russell taking Skelly the morning Jake had to give his report?

2. What are Ma and Mrs. Russell doing when Jake gets home from school the day he is supposed to do his book report?

3. How did Skelly react to the attention he received when he got home?

4. What did the cab driver notice about Skelly when he first saw him?

5. How did Jake feel about what the cops found?

(see the answer keys)

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