The Gospel According to Larry Test | Final Test - Medium

Janet Tashjian
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 118 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Gospel According to Larry Test | Final Test - Medium

Janet Tashjian
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 118 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is Josh afraid of if he cannot be convincing?
(a) He will be laughed at for fleeing.
(b) He will be found and imprisoned.
(c) The media will keep looking for him.
(d) He will lose all the integrity he had won.

2. How does Josh say Larry will be recognizable at Larryfest?
(a) He will be the guy with a peaceful heart.
(b) He will be they guy with a t-shirt and a smile.
(c) He will be the guy giving his things away.
(d) He will be the guy with flowers.

3. What does betagold do at Larryfest?
(a) Takes Josh's hand.
(b) Interviews attendees.
(c) Petitions for Larry to reveal himself.
(d) Rants against Larry.

4. What consequence does Peter face from Josh being Larry?
(a) He can merchandize his possessions.
(b) He wins new contracts.
(c) He loses accounts.
(d) He has unique marketing opportunities.

5. Where does Josh make a vision quest?
(a) Behind the falls.
(b) In his basement.
(c) In his underground room.
(d) In his room.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Josh think about Beth when he considers his plans and their effect on her?

2. What prevents Josh from telling Beth that he is Larry?

3. What irony does Josh see in his newfound fame?

4. What does Josh refuse to do for Peter?

5. What does Josh plan to do in six months?

Short Essay Questions

1. How many things does Josh take with him on the appointed day?

2. What are Josh's thoughts about leaving a suicide note?

3. What happens between Josh and Beth at Larryfest?

4. What is the epigraph to Part 5, and what is its importance?

5. What is Larryfest like?

6. What happens during Josh's vision quest?

7. How does Josh rise from his depression about being commoditized?

8. What is the epigraph to Part 4, and what is its importance?

9. What is the epigraph to Part 6, and what is its importance?

10. Describe Josh's pseudocide.

(see the answer keys)

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