The Gospel According to Larry Test | Final Test - Easy

Janet Tashjian
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 118 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Gospel According to Larry Test | Final Test - Easy

Janet Tashjian
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 118 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is Josh afraid of if he cannot be convincing?
(a) He will be laughed at for fleeing.
(b) The media will keep looking for him.
(c) He will be found and imprisoned.
(d) He will lose all the integrity he had won.

2. Where is the epigraph to Part 3 from?
(a) U2.
(b) The book of John.
(c) 1984.
(d) The book of Mark.

3. Where does Josh stay after the funeral?
(a) His basement.
(b) His underground cabin.
(c) A shack in the woods.
(d) New Jersey.

4. Where does Josh say he found his guidance, ultimately?
(a) In himself.
(b) In friends.
(c) In nature.
(d) In words themselves.

5. What does Peter think about Josh's views?
(a) They are hateful.
(b) They will pass in time.
(c) They are misguided.
(d) They are dangerous and have to be stopped.

6. What irony does Josh see in his newfound fame?
(a) He had ranted against celebrities and now he was one.
(b) He had preached about integrity, but now he was selling integrity.
(c) He had ranted about back-stabbing friends, and now he stabbed his fans in the back.
(d) He had not wanted to be popular, and now he was somewhat happy with fame.

7. What does Josh refuse to do for Peter?
(a) Take money from corporations.
(b) Endorse his sponsors.
(c) Apologize.
(d) Recant his sermons.

8. What does Josh say Larry probably thinks about betagold?
(a) He hopes she'll always be looking for him.
(b) He hopes she'll identify the wrong person.
(c) He hopes to be discovered.
(d) He hopes she'll go away.

9. What is the gist of the epigraph for Part 5?
(a) Rising from the dead.
(b) The danger of damnation.
(c) Repenting for sins.
(d) The pleasure of sinfulness.

10. What does Josh think about leaving a suicide note?
(a) He leaves a note for Beth only.
(b) He announces his suicide on Larry's website.
(c) He decides against it.
(d) He leaves a note for Peter alone.

11. What encouragement does Josh get when he visits Bloomingdale's?
(a) He overhears a woman telling her son that she's proud of him.
(b) He overhears a man telling his daughter to admire Larry.
(c) He overhears a beautician tell a woman she is beautiful.
(d) He overhears a man tell his wife to continue her work.

12. What does Josh throw over the falls?
(a) His pants and wallet and shoes.
(b) A dummy dressed like him.
(c) His shirt and bookbag.
(d) His shoes and sweatshirt.

13. Who is Tracy Hawthorne?
(a) Josh's teacher.
(b) A woman from Bloomingdale's.
(c) betagold.
(d) A friend of Beth's.

14. What claim does betagold make about Larryfest?
(a) betagold claims that she is Larry.
(b) betagold claims that Larry doesn't exist.
(c) betagold claims she will find Larry.
(d) betagold claims that Larry is making money from it.

15. What is the gist of the epigraph at the beginning of Part 6?
(a) There is no life without rebirth.
(b) People knew that Christ was still alive.
(c) Death is an illusion.
(d) Rebirth is costly.

Short Answer Questions

1. What are Josh's feelings about the project he wakes up with in Part 5?

2. Where does the epigraph at the beginning of Part 6 come from?

3. Why does Beth ultimately break with Josh?

4. What prevents Josh from telling Beth that he is Larry?

5. What is the friendship between Josh and Beth like at Larryfest?

(see the answer keys)

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