The Gospel According to Larry Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Janet Tashjian
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 118 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Gospel According to Larry Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Janet Tashjian
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 118 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How does Josh interpret signs of death around him?
(a) As predicting Larry's death.
(b) As predicting that someone around him will die.
(c) As predicting a major change in his life.
(d) As predicting his death.

2. What does Tashjian do when she has this realization?
(a) Rushes to her therapist.
(b) Rushes back to the store.
(c) Rushes to pick up her children from school.
(d) Rushes home.

3. Who tells the narrative of 'The Gospel According to Larry'?
(a) Janet Tashjian.
(b) Christy.
(c) Larry.
(d) Josh.

4. What other writing does Beth say she enjoyed?
(a) Their Eyes Were Watching God.
(b) Walden.
(c) The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn.
(d) The Heart of Darkness.

5. Where does the epigraph for part 2 come from?
(a) Walden.
(b) Genesis.
(c) Ecclesiastes.
(d) The Book of Matthew.

6. What does Beth give herself for her birthday?
(a) A trip to the woods.
(b) An anti-commercial tattoo.
(c) A necklace.
(d) A tattoo of a dolphin.

7. What happens when 'Larry's' work becomes popular?
(a) Larry signs a book contract.
(b) Christy refuses to publish his work.
(c) Josh's anonymity is compromised.
(d) He splits with Josh.

8. How many hits does Josh get on Larry's site after Bono draws attention to it?
(a) Over a million.
(b) More than five hundred thousand.
(c) Four million.
(d) Over a hundred thousand.

9. Why does Josh limit the number of his possessions?
(a) He read about Native Americans not wanting to leave a big footprint.
(b) He read Thoreau's 'Walden' and wanted to simplify his life.
(c) He read about environmental destruction and didn't want to have anything to do with industry.
(d) He was religious and didn't want to be distracted from things of the spirit.

10. What is Josh's medium for conducting this fight?
(a) Disruptive acts.
(b) Letters to local newspapers.
(c) Nonviolent protests.
(d) A website.

11. What does Josh post on Larry's website in the beginning of Part 2?
(a) A fishing pole.
(b) A pair of shoes.
(c) A belt.
(d) A shirt.

12. What does Tashjian tell Josh when she mails him the galleys?
(a) That if the book is published people will know he is alive.
(b) That he should get a lawyer.
(c) That he should hide out until the media storm blows over.
(d) That he is going to be rich and famous after this is published.

13. How old was the person who gave Tashjian the manuscript?
(a) 17.
(b) 38.
(c) 78.
(d) 27.

14. How many years has it been since Josh's mother died?
(a) Seven.
(b) Four.
(c) Three.
(d) One.

15. Where does Josh go to write sermon 113?
(a) Bloomingdales.
(b) The lakeshore.
(c) The forest.
(d) The basement.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does betagold challenge Larry to do?

2. Where had the person who gave Tashjian the manuscript just returned from?

3. What does Josh Swensen supplement the manuscript with?

4. What is Beth telling Josh at the beginning of 'The Gospel According to Larry'?

5. What is Josh's stepfather's business?

(see the answer keys)

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