The Good War: An Oral History of World War Two Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 135 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Good War: An Oral History of World War Two Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 135 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why was Walter Rosenblum welcomed in French farmhouses during the war?
(a) He had access to army rations.
(b) He brought news from the front.
(c) He was an entertaining storyteller.
(d) He offered protection from looters.

2. What does Gloria Gleason say bothered people most about the war?
(a) Waste of resources.
(b) Moral issues.
(c) Loss of life.
(d) Rationing.

3. What was Battle Fatigue called during World War I?
(a) Post-traumatic stress disorder.
(b) Attention deficit disorder.
(c) Shell shock.
(d) Restless leg syndrome.

4. Who does Jacques Rabou believe could be persuaded to follow another Hitler?
(a) Anyone.
(b) Ignorant people.
(c) Germans.
(d) Those who feel vengeful.

5. Why didn't dehydrated foods sell well after the war?
(a) Water was scarce.
(b) Fresh produce was more readily available.
(c) People were growing their own produce.
(d) Soldiers were tired of dehydrated products.

6. What kept Herman Kogan from being afraid during the assaults on Sugarloaf Hill?
(a) He was too intent on getting the story to be afraid.
(b) He was too tired to be afraid.
(c) He was in no danger.
(d) He was unaware of the danger.

7. According to Tommy Corcoran, how did Germany support their propaganda machine?
(a) Porsche's racing cars.
(b) Bayer's monopoly of the pharmaceutical business.
(c) Anheuser-Busch's control of the beer market.
(d) Volkswagen's monopoly of the auto industry.

8. What did Joseph Levine say that Jewish children begged for after the war?
(a) Clothing.
(b) Entertainment.
(c) Schooling.
(d) Food.

9. How many soldiers were killed when the ammunition dump at Port Chicago blew up?
(a) Fifty-seven.
(b) Five hundred.
(c) Two hundred.
(d) Three hundred and twenty.

10. According to Tommy Corcoran, why did Britain decide to fight Japan?
(a) British interests in the Far East were imperiled.
(b) They were outraged by Pearl Harbor.
(c) They were already mobilized against Hitler.
(d) They were supporting their ally, China.

11. What effect does Richard Leacock claim direct contact with death had upon him?
(a) He became sure he would be killed.
(b) He became unconcerned about dying.
(c) He became less fearful of dying.
(d) He became more fearful of dying.

12. What did Richard Leacock think was better about the army than Harvard?
(a) The army was more democratic than Harvard.
(b) The army was more educational than Harvard.
(c) The army was more rigorous than Harvard.
(d) The army was more useful than Harvard.

13. How does Olga Norwak characterize wartime romance?
(a) It was suspended until after the war.
(b) It moved more slowly.
(c) It moved faster.
(d) It was riskier.

14. According to Tommy Corcoran why did the Allies partner with Russia against the Axis?
(a) To save France.
(b) Because Russians were superior fighters.
(c) To prevent a Cold War.
(d) To prevent Hitler from overrunning Britain.

15. How was Eddie Slovik punished for desertion?
(a) He was turned over to the enemy.
(b) He was shot.
(c) He was imprisoned.
(d) He was hanged.

Short Answer Questions

1. According to Lee Oremont, why did people splurge on food and liquor during the war?

2. According to Tommy Bridges, why were whites from Georgia more comfortable with black workers than whites from the north were?

3. Why didn't Henry Hatfield want to broadcast the destruction done to German cities?

4. How did thieves among army personnel fool the MPs?

5. What effect did John Wayne war movies have on Japanese children living in California, according to Sheril Cunning?

(see the answer keys)

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