The Good Soldier Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 172 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Good Soldier Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 172 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Whenever Florence Dowell hears that a woman is visiting the Ashburnhams in England, what does she do?
(a) She takes the first train to the Ashburnham's estate.
(b) She sends Captain Edward Ashburnham a telegram.
(c) She threatens to kill herself.
(d) She sends a threatening letter to the woman who will be visiting the Ashburnhams.

2. Where is the castle located that is visited by the Ashburnhams and the Dowells?
(a) Germany.
(b) England.
(c) Ireland.
(d) The United States of America.

3. In the second chapter, it's revealed that John and Florence Dowell spend twelve years of their marriage doing what?
(a) Traveling from city to city.
(b) Seeking medical treatment.
(c) Having various extramarital affairs.
(d) Donating to charity.

4. Why is John Dowell drawn to Leonora Ashburnham?
(a) Because she understands the difficulty of taking care of a sick spouse.
(b) Because he admires her piety and moral righteousness.
(c) Because she's the only one who understands the heartbreak of infidelity.
(d) Because he is aroused by her beauty.

5. In the first chapter, the narrator compares the institution of marriage to what?
(a) A ball and chain.
(b) A runaway train and an enduring flame.
(c) A rotten apple and a prison.
(d) A red rose.

6. On the night of Florence Dowell's death, what does Captain Edward Ashburnham tell Nancy Rufford?
(a) That he murdered Florence Dowell.
(b) That he has reconciled with his wife.
(c) That she, Nancy, is the person for whom he cares most in the world.
(d) That Florence Dowell is the person for whom he cares most in the world.

7. What is Nauheim ?
(a) The medical facility visited by the Ashburnhams and Dowells.
(b) The city in which the medical facility visited by the Ashburnhams and Dowells is located.
(c) The name of the Dowells' estate.
(d) The name of the Ashburnhams' estate.

8. Who is the narrator of The Good Solider ?
(a) Captain Edward Ashburnham.
(b) Leonora Ashburnham.
(c) John Dowell.
(d) Florence Dowell.

9. How does Maisie Maidan die?
(a) She committed suicide.
(b) She dies from heart failure.
(c) She was murdered.
(d) She dies from childbirth.

10. In which country are the Ashburnhams from?
(a) Germany.
(b) Ireland.
(c) America.
(d) England.

11. How does Captain Edward Ashburnham react toward Maisie Maidan's death?
(a) Although inwardly he is mourning her death, he puts on a brave face and acts stoically.
(b) He shows little remorse--it doesn't seem to faze him.
(c) It startles him and gives him a newfound respect for the fragility of life.
(d) He goes to his room and cries for days.

12. During the visit to the castle, where does Florence Dowell touch Captain Edward Ashburnham on his body?
(a) She touches him on the back.
(b) She touches him on the forehead.
(c) She touches him on the wrist.
(d) She touches him on the waist.

13. In Monte Carlo, what does Captain Edward Ashburnham purchase from a woman?
(a) Flowers.
(b) Her silence.
(c) Sexual Favors.
(d) An Arabian horse.

14. On the night of the Dowell's engagement, how does John Dowell get into Florence's bedroom?
(a) He climbs into her room by a rope ladder.
(b) He climbs into her room from a tree.
(c) He pole vaults into her room with a very large stick.
(d) He digs a tunnel under her room and burrows his way in.

15. What is Nancy Rufford's relationship to Leonora Ashburnham?
(a) Nancy is Leonora's cousin.
(b) Nancy is Leonora's ward.
(c) Nancy is Leonora's maid.
(d) Nancy is Leonora's governess.

Short Answer Questions

1. Which best describes the social views and character of Florence Dowell's family?

2. In which country do the Dowells live?

3. What is the name of the character who claims to have seen Florence Dowell leaving Jimmy's room at five in the morning?

4. During the trip to the castle, Florence Dowell makes it her goal to do which of the following:

5. After Florence Dowell dies, who does John Dowell want to marry?

(see the answer keys)

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