'the Good Old Days': The Holocaust as Seen by Its Perpetrators and Bystanders Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Ernst Klee
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 120 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

'the Good Old Days': The Holocaust as Seen by Its Perpetrators and Bystanders Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Ernst Klee
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 120 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
Buy the 'the Good Old Days': The Holocaust as Seen by Its Perpetrators and Bystanders Lesson Plans
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What method of execution followed shooting the victims while waiting for the industrial solutions to be put in place?
(a) Drowning.
(b) Gas vans.
(c) Asphyxiation.
(d) Zyklon B.

2. What name was given to those who forced Jews to enter the line up before their executioners?
(a) Movers.
(b) Quickers.
(c) Liners.
(d) Packers.

3. Who did the Lithuanians blame for the foreign occupation of their country?
(a) The Germans.
(b) The Nazi party of Lithuania.
(c) The Jews.
(d) The Communists.

4. What camp were the Jews of Olkusz/Ilkenau sent to?
(a) Sobibor.
(b) Auschwitz.
(c) Belzec.
(d) Treblinka.

5. Where did the battalion deploy described in the third document of "The brutalization of precious German Manpower"?
(a) Berlin and Minsk.
(b) Kiev and Warsaw.
(c) Warsaw and Minsk.
(d) Rostov and Kiev.

6. Where were the Jews murdered by the unit held in the third document?
(a) A theater.
(b) A farm.
(c) A military camp.
(d) A prison.

7. What does the "Introduction" provide a concise review of?
(a) Development of the S.S.
(b) Development of the Nazi party.
(c) Development of early concentration camps.
(d) Development of the Wehrmarcht.

8. When did the Babi Yar ravine massacre occur?
(a) September 29-30,1941.
(b) September 18-30, 1941.
(c) October 29-30, 1941.
(d) September 29-30, 1942.

9. When were the first death camps opened?
(a) 1943.
(b) 1941.
(c) 1936.
(d) 1942.

10. Who wrote the reports whose extracts form "Quite happy to take part in shootings"?
(a) Police officers, government officials, SS and members of Einsatzgruppen.
(b) S.A. officers.
(c) Russian prisoners of war.
(d) Polish civilians.

11. When did the author of "Once again I've got to play general to the Jews" divorce his wife?
(a) 1941.
(b) 1943.
(c) 1942.
(d) 1944.

12. Why did the author of "Once again I've got to play general to the Jews" order men to be put to death on several occasions?
(a) Because they refused to work.
(b) To make room for new slaves.
(c) For fun.
(d) Because they were communists.

13. Where were the soldiers of the motorized column when they witnessed a massacre in 'If they get their revenge, we're in for a hard time"?
(a) Youshka.
(b) Rostov.
(c) Warsaw.
(d) Paneriai.

14. What was the rank of the man who wrote "Once again I've got to play general to the Jews"?
(a) Obergruppenführer
(b) Unterscharführer
(c) Staffelführer
(d) Blutordensträger.

15. What did those willing to participate in the Holocaust enjoy?
(a) Money.
(b) Promotions.
(c) Leave of absence.
(d) Gifts.

Short Answer Questions

1. What are the three documents about presented in "Pushed to their psychological limits"?

2. What was the author of "Once again I've got to play general to the Jews" job while he wrote his journal?

3. What often happened during the mass shooting of Jews?

4. What do the three documents in "Pushed to their psychological limits" say victims sometimes did that was difficult for the killer to handle?

5. What did the author of the first document head?

(see the answer keys)

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