The Good Nurse Test | Final Test - Hard

Charles Graeber
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 163 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Good Nurse Test | Final Test - Hard

Charles Graeber
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 163 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. What was the name of Amy’s daughter that came home from school to find her mother brooding over the interview with the detectives in Part II: Chapter 47?

2. On the message that Charlie Cullen left on Amy Loughren’s answering machine in Part II: Chapter 55, he said that what day might be possible for them to meet?

3. Who was the state coroner that performed the autopsy on McKinley Crews?

4. According to the author in Part II: Chapter 34, Somerset Medical Center’s internal investigation was being handled by whom?

5. Who did Danny call to “help him nail the legal language for the sworn affidavit” for requesting an autopsy on Gall in Part II: Chapter 37?

Short Essay Questions

1. How does the author describe Tim Braun’s career history in Part II: Chapter 29?

2. What revelations did Amy Loughren have when studying Charles Cullen’s charts in Part II: Chapter 49?

3. What occurred as Charles Cullen drove to work in the beginning of Part II: Chapter 41?

4. Why did Tim Braun tell his detectives to question the nurses at Somerset Medical about Amy Loughren?

5. What information did Tim Braun find for Charles Cullen through the computer system in Part II: Chapter 32?

6. How did Amy Loughren learn of Charles Cullen’s termination from Somerset Medical? How did she respond?

7. What did the lab results from Reverend Gall’s autopsy reveal? How was his cause of death relisted?

8. How did Amy Loughren assist the detectives in Part II: Chapter 48? What did they think of her performance?

9. Whom did Amy want to discuss the issue about before making a decision to help the detectives in Charlie’s case? What did she decide?

10. Who had gone to the authorities regarding the incidents at Saint Luke’s? Why?

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

Discuss Charles Cullen’s employment at Lehigh Valley Hospital and Saint Luke’s Hospital as well as the invention and abilities of Pyxis MedStations. When was the Pyxis Corporation founded? What was the purpose of the Pyxis MedStation? How widespread was their use?

Essay Topic 2

Discuss Adrianne Cullen’s impressions, fears, and conflicts with her husband. When did Charles Cullen first seem to “change” from the man that Adrianne had married? How did the poisoning of the neighbor’s dog lead to suspicion from Adrianne? What ultimately drove Adrianne’s decision to leave her husband?

Essay Topic 3

Amy Loughren’s response to the information she learned about Charles Cullen through Tim and Danny. How did Amy perceive the information she saw on Charlie’s Pyxis reports? How did Amy translate this information for the detectives? How important was Amy’s role in the investigation, trials, and conviction of Charles Cullen?

(see the answer keys)

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