The Good Nurse Test | Final Test - Medium

Charles Graeber
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 163 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Good Nurse Test | Final Test - Medium

Charles Graeber
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 163 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who was the Morris County Prosecutor in 2003?
(a) Michael Rubinaccio.
(b) Ernest Duh.
(c) Lisa Gannon.
(d) Raymond Fleming.

2. When was Charles Cullen fired from Saint Barnabas, according to his files in Part II: Chapter 34?
(a) January, 1992.
(b) January, 1993.
(c) October, 1996.
(d) November, 1992.

3. From whom did Danny obtain the work assignment sheets and other reports at Somerset Medical Center in Part II: Chapter 43?
(a) Dr. William Cors.
(b) Mary Lund.
(c) Jesse Eichin.
(d) Raymond Fleming.

4. Who was the Somerset County Prosecutor that Tim Braun met with in Part II: Chapter 36?
(a) Ernest Duh.
(b) Wayne Forrest.
(c) Jesse Eichin.
(d) Raymond Fleming.

5. Where was the Somerset Medical staff Christmas party held, according to the author in Part II: Chapter 60?
(a) The Montgomery Holiday Inn ballroom.
(b) The Manhattan Four Seasons ballroom.
(c) The New Brunswick Hilton ballroom.
(d) The Bridgewater Marriot ballroom.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who does the author say had ordered Tim Braun not to speak with the FBI regarding Charlie Cullen’s case in Part II: Chapter 56?

2. When Amy called Charles Cullen in Part II: Chapter 48 and they discuss Reverend Gall’s death, Amy says that what nurse had told her about it?

3. Who did Danny call to “help him nail the legal language for the sworn affidavit” for requesting an autopsy on Gall in Part II: Chapter 37?

4. What was the date on the memo that was sent by Somerset Medical to Danny Baldwin and Tim Braun in Part II: Chapter 31?

5. What detectives did Danny delegate to conduct the interviews of the nurse personnel at Somerset Medical in Part II: Chapter 44?

Short Essay Questions

1. What information did Tim Braun find for Edward Allatt in the computer system in Part II: Chapter 32?

2. How did Amy Loughren assist the detectives in Part II: Chapter 48? What did they think of her performance?

3. What revelations did Amy Loughren have when studying Charles Cullen’s charts in Part II: Chapter 49?

4. What did the lab results from Reverend Gall’s autopsy reveal? How was his cause of death relisted?

5. What did the paperwork consist of that was sent by Somerset Medical to Tim Braun and Danny Bowers in Part II: Chapter 31?

6. Where did Danny Bowers go to obtain more information for the investigation in Part II: Chapter 35?

7. Where was Amy going to meet Charles Cullen while she was wearing a microphone in Part II: Chapter 58?

8. What new records had Danny and Tim obtained from Somerset Medical in Part II: Chapter 43? What did Danny and Tim glean from the reports?

9. Who attended the exhuming and autopsy of Reverend Gall in Part II: Chapter 40?

10. Whom did Amy want to discuss the issue about before making a decision to help the detectives in Charlie’s case? What did she decide?

(see the answer keys)

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