The Good Life Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 130 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Good Life Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 130 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How was the Sunday morning musical events divided?
(a) Into religious and non-religious music.
(b) Into amateur and professional music.
(c) Into classical and pop music.
(d) Into instrumental and vocal music.

2. What did the Nearings have to do to pick their sweet peas?
(a) Put at ladder up in a tree.
(b) Bend and kneel on the ground.
(c) Hoe the row and pull them out.
(d) Stand on a stool or ladder.

3. The Nearings claimed that they were planning not a business, but a __________.
(a) Useful vegetable garden.
(b) Working farm.
(c) Functioning homestead.
(d) Vacation home.

4. How did the Nearings eat fresh from the garden?
(a) By eating with the seasons.
(b) By picking produce early and letting it ripen off the vine.
(c) By freezing food.
(d) By canning early in the season.

5. The Nearings thought living in Vermont would be justified as an example of sane living in an _____________.
(a) Utopian society.
(b) Insane world.
(c) Sane world.
(d) Removed area.

Short Answer Questions

1. How much heat does an old-fashioned fireplace allow to go up the chimney?

2. When the Nearings talked about being vegetarians, which neighbors changed their habits and also became vegetarians?

3. Why did the Nearings chose Vermont and not Eastern Pennsylvania?

4. At the musical events on Sunday morning, what was to be avoided?

5. How did the Nearlings choke out the weeds around berry plants in Vermont?

Short Essay Questions

1. Why did the American Indians live in Connecticut and not Vermont?

2. What happens to flour when it is processed?

3. What, according to the Nearings, was the value of compost and mulch?

4. Describe how the Nearings made fruit juice as a simple process.

5. What made the Vermont community shrink even as the Nearings lived there?

6. When others thought the Nearings were self-punishing, how did they view their life?

7. What about the Nearings baffled the neighbors the most?

8. What was the Nearings' view of keeping animals? How far did this belief system go?

9. What did the people drawn to the farm lack? How could diversity have been a good thing for the Nearings?

10. How much time did it take for the Nearings to provide food for the year, furnish their house and fuel, and provide needed repairs on the farm? What were the positive outcomes of their system?

(see the answer keys)

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