The Good Life Quiz | One Week Quiz A

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 130 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Good Life Quiz | One Week Quiz A

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 130 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through The Good Life Continues, Chapters Five through Ten.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who could "smell a frost coming?"
(a) Floyd Hurd.
(b) Scott.
(c) Helen.
(d) Jack Lightfoot.

2. How long had Jacklight foot lived in the valley?
(a) 20 years.
(b) All his life.
(c) 35 years.
(d) 10 month.

3. During the cancellation of the mail route in 1945 in Vermont, what were the citizens asked to do?
(a) Write the Postmaster General and then Senators and Representatives.
(b) Gather for a peaceful demonstration.
(c) Write to the President of the United States.
(d) Call the Postmaster General.

4. What was inserted into the compost pile to help break down matter?
(a) Bees.
(b) Ants.
(c) Snakes.
(d) Earth worms and worm capsules.

5. Other than the wood on the land, what other sources did the Nearings use for wood?
(a) The Neighbors forest.
(b) Ship wood.
(c) Driftwood that would come in with the tides.
(d) The old barn.

Short Answer Questions

1. What, according to the Nearings, made a parsnip tasty?

2. Within 5 weeks, how hot would the compost pile get?

3. What did the Nearings grow under a heavy hay mulch that required no hoeing, no bugs, no spraying, and almost no digging?

4. How did the Nearings eat fresh from the garden?

5. How did the Nearings make applesauce?

(see the answer key)

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