The Good Doctor Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Damon Galgut
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 124 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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The Good Doctor Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Damon Galgut
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 124 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who does Frank say created the town?
(a) Evil bureaucrats.
(b) Soldiers.
(c) The hospitals creation.
(d) Peasants.

2. What has Frank started doing again with his nights?
(a) Studying new medical techniques.
(b) Drinking in town.
(c) Visiting Maria.
(d) Helping Laurence around the hospital.

3. How had the hospital begun?
(a) As a Christian missionary project.
(b) As a project of the first chief minister.
(c) As a red cross mission.
(d) As a human services project.

4. How does Zanele feel about her relationship with Laurence?
(a) She is sure and feels strongly about the relationship.
(b) She is surprised by this different side of Laurence she is seeing.
(c) She is confused and uncertain.
(d) She is in love and feels eager to move forward.

5. What happened as soon as all of the buildings that are part of the hospital went up?
(a) The government ran out of funds.
(b) The country was invaded by another country.
(c) A military coup happened.
(d) A peasant revolt happened.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why did Frank originally come to the hospital?

2. What was Frank's only encounter with the Brigadier?

3. Why doesn't Laurence go for a swim in the water with Frank?

4. What does Laurence comment to Frank he wishes he had done previously?

5. How does Laurence feel about Frank's attitude regarding Laurence's ideas about the village?

Short Essay Questions

1. How does Frank feel when he learns more details about the relationship between Mama and Frank?

2. What is one thing Laurence does to help to improve the appearance of the grounds of the hospital?

3. What happens on Laurence's first morning and how is he feeling?

4. What does the hospital have in abundance and what types of things do they have too little of?

5. What happens when Frank goes to visit Maria and asks her to tell him more about her life?

6. What information about Laurence does Zanele correct while she is talking to Frank?

7. What did Laurence insist was the real reason that Frank became a doctor?

8. What does Frank offer to do so that Laurence and Zanele can be alone together and how does Laurence respond?

9. Why doesn't Frank mention the patients condition and how does Laurence respond?

10. What does Frank keep from Laurence and how does he react to it?

(see the answer keys)

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