The Good Doctor Test | Final Test - Easy

Damon Galgut
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 124 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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The Good Doctor Test | Final Test - Easy

Damon Galgut
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 124 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Frank think happened to the soldier who was guarding Tehogo?
(a) He was killed by Tehogo or Laurence.
(b) He was afraid and ran away.
(c) He was recalled by the Colonel.
(d) He is tied up in Tehogo's old room.

2. Which of the following has been true about Tehogo lately?
(a) He has been verbally confrontational to Frank.
(b) He has been more blatant in his theft.
(c) He has numerous bruises all over his face and body.
(d) He is often late or absent from work.

3. Which of the following is a reason for the awkwardness that exists in the relationship between Valerie and Frank?
(a) She does not like him at all.
(b) They had a physical relationship.
(c) She is younger than he is.
(d) He does not agree with his father's choice in women.

4. Who does Frank look for at Mama's?
(a) Colonel Moller.
(b) Laurence.
(c) Maria.
(d) Dr. Ngema.

5. How does the town now feel about the soldiers?
(a) A unnecessary presence.
(b) Intrigued.
(c) Resentful.
(d) A positive influence.

6. Why does Frank say that he won't be at the clinic?
(a) He has to move Tehogo.
(b) Tehogo has died and Frank feels guilty.
(c) He doesn't believe in the clinic.
(d) He is still looking for Maria.

7. Who does Frank go to visit?
(a) Mama.
(b) His father.
(c) Zanele.
(d) Maria.

8. How does Frank's ongoing search for Maria go?
(a) Unsuccessfully.
(b) He gets a new lead he plans on following.
(c) With some success.
(d) It causes people to stop talking to him.

9. What does Frank ask the Colonel not to do if he goes to check things out?
(a) Follow him to the old army camp again.
(b) Harm a woman.
(c) Tell anyone else that they talked.
(d) Arrest the Brigadier.

10. Why is Frank shocked when Claudia tells him how she feels about the clinic?
(a) He is shocked that she disagrees with Ngema.
(b) He is shocked she is so pleasant to him.
(c) He is shocked she isn't telling Laurence this information.
(d) He is shocked she likes the idea.

11. What did the letter Laurence received from Zanele say?
(a) It told him that she was moving to his town.
(b) It asked him to move in with her.
(c) It asked him to share information about Frank.
(d) It broke off their relationship.

12. What does Mama tell Frank and Laurence they will be getting at her place?
(a) Video game.
(b) Pool table.
(c) Larger game room.
(d) Pinball machine.

13. How does Dr. Ngema act when Frank confronts her about Tehogo?
(a) She promises to watch him more carefully.
(b) She has him called to her office immediately.
(c) She makes excuses for him.
(d) She tells Frank to stop talking about Tehogo.

14. How do the people at the staff meeting respond to the announcement?
(a) No one makes any comments at all as if they are in shock.
(b) They are all pleasantly surprised.
(c) No one says anything favorable about it.
(d) They all congratulate Laurence.

15. Who does Frank believe hurt Tehogo?
(a) He thinks Colonel Moller or his men did it.
(b) Brigadier or his friends did it.
(c) Maria did it.
(d) Laurence did it.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is Laurence doing when Frank returns from going to check on Maria?

2. What does Laurence invite Frank to do with him?

3. What does the Colonel say when Frank shares that he helped him years ago?

4. What does Dr. Ngema tell Frank when he wakes up?

5. What did Maria ask Laurence to do at the clinic?

(see the answer keys)

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