The Good Doctor Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Damon Galgut
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 124 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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The Good Doctor Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Damon Galgut
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 124 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Which of the following is the best description of breakfast?
(a) Uncomfortable.
(b) Relaxed.
(c) Comfortable.
(d) Formal.

2. How many patients do the doctors visit on rounds?
(a) 2.
(b) 5.
(c) .6.
(d) 1.

3. Why does Frank lie to Maria?
(a) To keep others from knowning about her.
(b) To protect her from others.
(c) To keep his two lives separate.
(d) To ensure his own privacy.

4. What angers Frank about the place Laurence has chosen to hike to?
(a) It is too far away from where they started.
(b) It has a militia that does not allow outsiders to enter the village.
(c) It is the most inaccessible village.
(d) It is a place that is dangerous with many military officials.

5. Which character does Frank suggest Laurence room with instead of him?
(a) Negema.
(b) Santaders.
(c) Waters.
(d) Tehogo.

6. What happened to Frank after he told the Commandant that the prisoner would not die yet?
(a) He was dismissed to his tent.
(b) He was forced to prepare the man for further beatings.
(c) He was asked to watch the interrogation.
(d) He was asked to take the man to the hospital.

7. What happens to Frank as he thinks about his memories related to Colonel Moller?
(a) He leaves the restaurant immediately.
(b) He walks over and reaquaints himself with the Colonel.
(c) He begins to tremble and can't eat.
(d) He begins making a scene in Mama's and scares Zanele.

8. Which of the following seems to be Frank's mantra as Laurence attempts to better the hospital and area?
(a) Why bother, it does not matter.
(b) Stop before you make someone angry.
(c) Why work when there are no patients.
(d) Do not upset the delicate balance.

9. What was an item that the hospital had in abundance?
(a) Doctors.
(b) Condoms.
(c) Medicines.
(d) Generators.

10. What surprises Frank about Zanele?
(a) She is American.
(b) She does not speak English.
(c) She does not seem to be in love with Laurence.
(d) She is unattractive.

11. What does Frank call Laurence at the end of Chapter 4?
(a) Uninformed.
(b) Idealistic.
(c) Persuasive.
(d) Pathetic.

12. How did Laurence meet his girlfriend?
(a) He has known her since they were both children.
(b) He met her at the hospital.
(c) He met her while they were both studying to be doctors.
(d) He met her when she was doing famine relief work.

13. What does Laurence put in the room he rents from Mama for Zanele?
(a) Pictures.
(b) A bed.
(c) Food and drink.
(d) Flowers.

14. What was Frank's only encounter with the Brigadier?
(a) He came to the hospital with chest pains.
(b) He was at the hospital when he came in and destroyed many of the rooms.
(c) He met him in the army.
(d) He saw him once eating in Mama's.

15. To what position was Dr. Ngema supposed to be promoted?
(a) Position in another country.
(b) Position in the government.
(c) Position in the department of health.
(d) Position at the better hospital.

Short Answer Questions

1. What happened to all of the contents of the Brigadier's house?

2. Why does Laurence continue to try and make his improvements?

3. What drew Frank to stop and visit Maria the second time?

4. What does Laurence wear that others do not?

5. Why does Frank still wear his wedding ring?

(see the answer keys)

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