The Goldfinch Test | Final Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 147 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Goldfinch Test | Final Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 147 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. What word described by Theo in Chapter 7: “The Shop-Behind-the-Shop” refers to arrogance or excessive pride?

2. Who is Mrs. Barbour’s assistant that Theo considers calling to help him get a flight home in Chapter 12: “The Rendezvous Point”?

3. Where was the painter George van der Mijn born?

4. For how many years does Theo say old Mr. Leopold had lived in the apartment building where Theo and his mother had lived in Chapter 8: “The Shop-Behind-the-Shop, continued”?

5. What name is on the bank draft that Boris gives to Theo to give to the underground art dealers in Chapter 11: “The Gentleman’s Canal”?

Short Essay Questions

1. When does Chapter 9: “Everything of Possibility” begin? What does Theo learn from Platt Barbour in the beginning of the chapter?

2. Where does Theo hide the museum painting in Chapter 8: “The Shop-Behind-the-Shop, continued”?

3. What does Theo do once he returns to his hotel in Chapter 11: “The Gentleman’s Canal”? Why is this a significant part of the story?

4. When does Chapter 10: “The Idiot” begin? What obstacles is Theo facing in the beginning of the chapter?

5. How does Theo go about trying to contact Boris in Chapter 12: “The Rendezvous Point”? Is he successful?

6. What does Theo learn about Havistock Irving from Hobie in Chapter 10: “The Idiot”?

7. What takes place when Theo meets with the art thieves in Chapter 11: “The Gentleman’s Canal”?

8. What causes Theo’s anxiety about the painting to escalate in Chapter 7: “The Shop-Behind-the-Shop”?

9. What does Theo confess to Hobie in Chapter 9: “Everything of Possibility”?

10. What does Theo confess to Hobie after he returns home in Chapter 12: “The Rendezvous Point”?

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

Examine the theme of grief in the novel and discuss Theo’s thoughts and emotions upon learning of the death of his mother. How does Theo describe his sense of “numbness”? What imagery and symbolism does the author employ to help develop this theme?

Essay Topic 2

Describe and analyze the narrative style of The Goldfinch. Is the narrative related in past or present tense? How does it change? Is the narrator involved in the action of the story? Why do you think the author chose to use this narrative style?

Essay Topic 3

Discuss the themes of aesthetic beauty and art in The Goldfinch. How is the value of art described and illustrated through the narrative? What does the painting The Goldfinch represent symbolically to Theo? Why? What characters in the novel appreciate art and aesthetic beauty?

(see the answer keys)

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