The Goldfinch Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 147 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Goldfinch Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 147 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is the name of Tom Cable’s sister that Platt Barbour once dated?
(a) Mina Cable.
(b) Anna Cable.
(c) Joey Cable.
(d) Sarah Cable.

2. Who is Theo looking for at the Russian bar in the Village when he runs into Boris in Chapter 10: “The Idiot”?
(a) Todd.
(b) Paul.
(c) Kitsey.
(d) Jerome.

3. What is the name of the woman Andy was planning to marry when he died?
(a) Myriam.
(b) Sascha.
(c) Miyako.
(d) Samantha.

4. Who does Boris say he suspects stole the painting in Chapter 11: “The Gentleman’s Canal”?
(a) Welty.
(b) Miyako.
(c) Sascha.
(d) Cosmo.

5. Who is the customer that accuses Theo and Hobie of working together to make and sell fake antiques in Chapter 9: “Everything of Possibility”?
(a) Lucius Reeve.
(b) John Steinbeck.
(c) Chance Barbour.
(d) Tyler Olowska.

Short Answer Questions

1. What bank are the bank draft and deposit slip printed from that Theo takes to the meeting with the underground art thugs in Chapter 11: “The Gentleman’s Canal”?

2. What is the name of the junkie uptown that Boris takes Theo with him to speak with about the painting in Chapter 10: “The Idiot”?

3. What is the name of Theo’s counselor at the early college program he begins attending in Chapter 8: “The Shop-Behind-the-Shop, continued”?

4. Where is Pippa attending boarding school in Chapter 7: “The Shop-Behind-the-Shop”?

5. How many letters does Theo set out to write before committing suicide in Chapter 12: “The Rendezvous Point”?

Short Essay Questions

1. What letters does Theo write in Chapter 12: “The Rendezvous Point”? Why?

2. What does Theo do once he returns to his hotel in Chapter 11: “The Gentleman’s Canal”? Why is this a significant part of the story?

3. How does Theo go about trying to contact Boris in Chapter 12: “The Rendezvous Point”? Is he successful?

4. What leads to the conflicts between Theo and Kitsey in Chapter 10: “The Idiot”?

5. When does Chapter 10: “The Idiot” begin? What obstacles is Theo facing in the beginning of the chapter?

6. What arrangements are made for Theo’s guardianship in Chapter 7: “The Shop-Behind-the-Shop”?

7. What does Theo discover when he visits his old apartment in Chapter 8: “The Shop-Behind-the-Shop, continued”? How does Theo respond?

8. Where does Theo meet Boris in Chapter 10: “The Idiot”? What does Boris confess to Theo?

9. Why does Theo study relentlessly in Chapter 7: “The Shop-Behind-the-Shop”?

10. How does Theo’s mindset change once he has begun classes in Chapter 8: “The Shop-Behind-the-Shop, continued”?

(see the answer keys)

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