The Golden State Test | Final Test - Easy

Lydia Kiesling
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 161 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Golden State Test | Final Test - Easy

Lydia Kiesling
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 161 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Where does Daphne say she will take Honey after she sends Engin this message?
(a) Home.
(b) Away.
(c) The Wildlife Safari.
(d) To Turkey.

2. What restores Daphne’s hope?
(a) Her mother’s house.
(b) Alice.
(c) Honey.
(d) Altavista.

3. How does Alice plan to get the last of the way to Camp Cooville, when she and Daphne sit down for dinner at Antelope Meadows?
(a) She will drive.
(b) Daphne will drive.
(c) Mark and Yarrow will drive.
(d) She will hire a driver.

4. What novel does Daphne check out of the library?
(a) Crime and Punishment.
(b) Anna Karenina.
(c) Wuthering Heights.
(d) Pride and Prejudice.

5. What does Daphne say keeps her from asking Alice questions to keep conversation rolling on day six?
(a) Her fear of intimacy.
(b) Her own fixation on her situation.
(c) The deaths of her children.
(d) Alice’s deteriorating mental state.

6. When Daphne is looking for Alice at Camp Cooville in the rain, what does she say she may have been waiting for all along?
(a) An end to pain.
(b) Things to go south.
(c) Wanderers to come home.
(d) Everything to get resolved.

7. What does Daphne help Alice with over dinner at Antelope Meadows?
(a) Taking her pills.
(b) Calculating the tip.
(c) Cutting her food.
(d) Paying the bill.

8. What does Daphne do that gives her misgivings about her parenting after she drops Alice at Camp Cooville?
(a) Curses in front of Honey.
(b) Leaves Honey in the car for a minute alone.
(c) Smokes in the car.
(d) Peels out of a gas station.

9. What is Daphne’s mindset when she finds she has packed up the whole house in preparation for departure?
(a) Surprised.
(b) Satisfied.
(c) Relieved.
(d) Confused.

10. What does Alice tell Daphne about preparing for bad things that might happen?
(a) Being prepared means having good friends.
(b) You have to be vigilant all the time.
(c) The things will hit someone else if they don’t hit you.
(d) You cannot prepare.

11. How long ago did Alice’s husband die?
(a) 50 years.
(b) 20 years.
(c) 30 years.
(d) 40 years.

12. How much does Daphne say health insurance will cost if she gives up her job and stays in the U.S.?
(a) $1,000 a month.
(b) $250 a month.
(c) $700 a month.
(d) $80 a month.

13. What first brought Alice to the area around Altavista?
(a) Her husband was assigned to a work camp near here.
(b) Her family has a house here.
(c) She had vacationed here once.
(d) Her husband’s family raised him here.

14. What is it that Daphne dreads about going back to her job?
(a) The traffic and the gentrification.
(b) Facing the inquiry about Ellery and Maryam.
(c) Her distrust of Hugo, her boss.
(d) Throwing away her money on rent and daycare.

15. What does Honey say that makes Daphne’s heart ache when she wakes up with a hangover?
(a) Bibit for picnic.
(b) Amee for mommy.
(c) Ock for bonk.
(d) Ewdy for screwdriver.

Short Answer Questions

1. How long does Alice say she was married before her husband died?

2. What does Daphne do when she and Honey wake up on day nine, in Berwin Falls?

3. What does Daphne say is running through her head when she wakes up with a bruised eye and a hangover?

4. How did the board of supervisors vote on the State of Jefferson proposal?

5. How much more driving will it take to get to Camp Cooville?

(see the answer keys)

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