The Golden State Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Lydia Kiesling
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 161 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Golden State Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Lydia Kiesling
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 161 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Where does Daphne say her father died?
(a) Czechoslovakia.
(b) Hungary.
(c) Romania.
(d) Bulgaria.

2. What did Daphne tell her husband to be prepared for in the casinos of Altavista?
(a) Fried everything.
(b) Downtrodden white people.
(c) Layers of stale cigarette smoke.
(d) Carnival music.

3. What does “merhaba” mean in Turkish?
(a) What is your name?
(b) Thank you.
(c) Do I know you?
(d) Hello.

4. What is it that makes Daphne nervous about her laptop?
(a) It is running out of memory, but she cannot remove files.
(b) It needs an upgrade she cannot afford.
(c) It is the Institute’s and she is nervous they will report it stolen.
(d) It is shutting down unexpectedly.

5. How does Daphne characterize Engin’s relationship with Islam?
(a) She says that he is not Muslim at all.
(b) She says that the Islam he believes in is so progressive it might as well be Unitarianism.
(c) She says that he only observes the major holidays.
(d) She says that he believes but has questions about some doctrines.

6. What did Daphne’s father say a person should do when they feel like dying?
(a) Read a book.
(b) Read the Bible.
(c) Change location.
(d) Meditate.

7. How does Daphne characterize the atmosphere in the casino she once took Engin to?
(a) Carnivalesque.
(b) Downtrodden.
(c) Murderous.
(d) Folksy.

8. Where is Engin in the photo he sends Daphne, which she sees after church?
(a) At a museum
(b) In his parents’ home.
(c) At the beach.
(d) In a bar.

9. What is Daphne stressed about when she settles down in Altavista?
(a) Getting Honey’s passport.
(b) Sneaking Engin into the country.
(c) Getting to a doctor.
(d) Explaining her absence.

10. How many Muslims does Daphne say there are in the world?
(a) 3 billion.
(b) 1 billion.
(c) 500 million.
(d) 200 million.

11. What does Daphne say the West would not have without Islam?
(a) Literature.
(b) Philosophy.
(c) Medicine.
(d) Algebra.

12. On day two, how long does Daphne say she is planning to stay in Altavista?
(a) Through the weekend.
(b) She has no idea.
(c) A couple of weeks.
(d) A week.

13. Where does Daphne say she and her mother had a service for her father?
(a) Athens.
(b) Istanbul.
(c) Bulgaria.
(d) Virginia.

14. What happened five months ago?
(a) She lost her job.
(b) Her father moved to Greece.
(c) Her husband Engin was deported.
(d) Her mother died.

15. What kind of rules does Cindy Cooper say the State of Jefferson will have?
(a) American rules.
(b) No rules.
(c) Constitutional rules.
(d) Natural rules.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Daphne say her balance was five months ago?

2. What does Daphne say you are doing when you have a child?

3. How does Daphne say Hugo avoids responsibility for Ellery’s death?

4. For how long out of every month does Daphne say she feels like a “physical threat” to every man she sees (87)?

5. What Daphne describe as giving her the greatest sense of well-being available?

(see the answer keys)

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