The Golden Goblet Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 132 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Golden Goblet Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 132 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why is Ranofer embarrassed by Rekh?
(a) Rekh tripped him.
(b) His remark about his shoulder.
(c) He is reminded he is just a porter.
(d) He dropped some gold scraps.

2. Why is Ranofer not able to be an apprentice?
(a) He is too young.
(b) His brother will not pay the fees.
(c) He is of the wrong class.
(d) He is too old.

3. What does the foreman do if Ranofer looks idle?
(a) Make fun of him to the others.
(b) Pushes him to the ground.
(c) Beats him.
(d) Throws water on him.

4. What does Gebu give Ranofer for bringing a wineskin home that night?
(a) Some of the gold.
(b) A bracelet.
(c) A new pair of shoes.
(d) Money to buy food.

5. What does Ranofer have to do with his pay?
(a) Give it to his mother.
(b) Pay his rent.
(c) Give it to his brother.
(d) Buy food.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is Ranofer asked to do later in the day in Chapter 3?

2. How does Ranofer feel towards the end of the conversation with Heqet?

3. What is Ranofer offered outside the apprentice quarters?

4. Under whom does Ranofer wish to become a student?

5. With what does Ranofer help Heqet?

Short Essay Questions

1. What does Ranofer tell Heqet and what do they decide?

2. Who does Ranofer meet on his way home from work? Where does this person live and what does he do?

3. Where is Heqet going after lunch one day and what does he say to Ranofer?

4. What does Ranofer believe made noises in the night? How does he respond to his belief?

5. Who does Ranofer see on the way to work and what happens when they talk?

6. What does Ranofer learn that makes him think about Ibni's request?

7. About what do Ranofer and Heqet argue and how does the Ancient settle the argument?

8. Why does Ibni talk to Ranofer? What is Ranofer's response?

9. What does Ranofer complain about to his two friends and what is the Ancient's response?

10. How does Ranofer feel about his thoughts on Ibni and Gebu by the end of the day? What does he want to do and why does he not want to do it?

(see the answer keys)

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