The Golden Goblet Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 132 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Golden Goblet Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 132 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does the Ancient tell Ranofer he overheard?
(a) Zau planned to see the queen about Ranofer.
(b) Rekh was looking for an apprentice.
(c) Gebu arguing with Setma.
(d) Gebu and Setma making plans.

2. What does Ranofer realize about Gebu's possessions?
(a) He has thrown out many things.
(b) He has many new ones.
(c) He has more possessions than Ranofer.
(d) He is getting very gaudy.

3. Where is the first place Gebu goes the first time Ranofer follows him?
(a) To the shop.
(b) To the palace.
(c) To the tombs.
(d) To Wenamon's house.

4. What does Ranofer's rescuer make him do?
(a) Eat some breakfast.
(b) Tell his story a number of times.
(c) Answer questions about the Valley of the Tombs.
(d) Tell him descriptions of his brother.

5. When does Ranofer explore the tomb?
(a) After Gebu has gone back to town.
(b) When he hears Gebu leave through the tunnel.
(c) The next day.
(d) When he realizes Gebu isn't in it.

6. What does Ranofer try to do on his lunch break?
(a) See his friends.
(b) Find a new home.
(c) Catch Gebu stealing.
(d) Get the golden goblet.

7. What happens after Ranofer answers questions about the goblet?
(a) He is sent home.
(b) He waits in the throne room for instructions.
(c) He returns to Heqet and the Ancient.
(d) He is taken to a room for food and a nap.

8. What does Ranofer notice about a judge's tomb?
(a) It has a strange chamber.
(b) It is too large.
(c) Judges do not get tombs only kings and queens.
(d) It is too small.

9. Where does Gebu hide the golden goblet?
(a) In the hills near the river.
(b) In the scroll room.
(c) Under his bed.
(d) In the judge's tomb.

10. What does the Ancient warn the boys to do?
(a) To say nothing to anyone.
(b) To work safely at their jobs.
(c) To not implicate themselves with Gebu.
(d) Be very careful.

11. Why is the town empty?
(a) They are at the Festival.
(b) There is a memorial service at the tombs.
(c) It is evening meal time.
(d) The queen has called a meeting.

12. What does Ranofer ask the Ancient about the two men hung for theft?
(a) If he knew who they were.
(b) If hanging is the only punishment for stealing from tombs.
(c) How they were caught.
(d) If they had any children.

13. Who joins up with Ranofer the first night he follows Gebu?
(a) Ibni.
(b) No one.
(c) The Ancient.
(d) Heqet.

14. What reaction does the queen initially have when Ranofer tells her his story?
(a) She believes him.
(b) She thinks he is stealing.
(c) She does not believe him.
(d) She is undecided.

15. What does Gebu do when he comes into the shop right after Ranofer in Chapter 9?
(a) Nothing, he doesn't come in the shop.
(b) Tell him he no longer works there.
(c) Hit him in the face.
(d) Take his money from the day before and that day.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Ranofer knock over in the tomb?

2. What is the Ancient's response to Ranofer's question?

3. What does Ranofer find when he breaks into the item from question # 114?

4. What frightens Ranofer one night when he is going to follow Gebu?

5. What does Ranofer do before he leaves the room?

(see the answer keys)

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