The Golden Bowl Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 145 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Golden Bowl Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 145 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why does Maggie wish she had waited until she was older to marry?
(a) So that she wouldn't have to have children.
(b) Because she wanted to explore the world first.
(c) For her father's sake.
(d) So that she would make fewer foolish mistakes.

2. What has changed as a result of Maggie's marriage to the Prince?
(a) Mr.Verver's status quo.
(b) Fanny's standing in society.
(c) Mr. Verver's dislike of royalty.
(d) The Prince's plans for returning to Rome.

3. What do the Prince and Fanny discuss while waiting for Charlotte to arrive in Book First Chapter 2?
(a) How Charlotte has changed over the years.
(b) The weather.
(c) The differences between Charlotte and Maggie.
(d) The reasons for Charlotte to attend the wedding.

4. What advice does Bob give Fanny in Book Third Chapter 3?
(a) To tell Maggie about her suspicions.
(b) To end her friendships with the Prince, Maggie and Charlotte.
(c) To let the Prince and Charlotte sort out their relationship themselves.
(d) To keep an eye on Mr. Verver's moods.

5. Why does Adam think he needs a wife?
(a) To do the things that Maggie had done in the past.
(b) To have another child with.
(c) To take care of his collection after he dies.
(d) To travel with.

Short Answer Questions

1. What prompts Mrs. Rance to leave Fawns in Book Second Chapter 5?

2. How does Fanny travel home in Chapter 3 of Book Third?

3. What does Adam believe the ladies at his home are doing in Book Second Chapter 1?

4. What incident do Maggie and her father finally talk about in Book Second Chapter 3?

5. What is Charlotte's last name?

Short Essay Questions

1. What are the Prince and Maggie discussing at the beginning of the novel?

2. What does the Prince think of Fanny Assingham?

3. What does the Prince want to find out from Charlotte after she arrives at Fanny's in Book First Chapter 3?

4. After her conversation with the Prince at the party in Book Third Chapter 2, how does Fanny feel about him?

5. How did Maggie and her father become knowledgeable on the subject of the Prince's family history?

6. What do the Prince and Fanny wonder about Charlotte and her visit to London?

7. What does Charlotte ask the Prince to help her do at the end of Book First Chapter 3?

8. Why do Charlotte and the Prince decide against buying the golden bowl?

9. How is the Prince feeling emotionally in Book Second Chapter 3?

10. What does Charlotte confess to the Prince while they sat in the park in Book First Chapter 5?

(see the answer keys)

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