The Gold Coast Test | Final Test - Medium

Nelson Demille
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 120 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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The Gold Coast Test | Final Test - Medium

Nelson Demille
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 120 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Bellarosa say the murder charge has done to his assets?
(a) It has made them lose value.
(b) It has forced Bellarosa to sell them.
(c) It has revealed them to the government.
(d) It hasn't changed much.

2. In Chapter 25, what does Melzer tell John about his IRS audit?
(a) That it was an act of revenge.
(b) That they happen all the time.
(c) That it doesn't seem random.
(d) That he has to keep his records for seven years.

3. What upsets Bellarosa about the news clip in Chapter 29?
(a) What John says.
(b) The length.
(c) The angle they filmed Bellarosa at.
(d) The reporters slant.

4. After coming home at the end of Chapter 24, what does John threaten to do?
(a) Leave.
(b) Stop working for Bellarosa.
(c) Sell the house.
(d) Hire new servants.

5. Why does John leave his car behind in Chapter 27?
(a) Because it is out of gas.
(b) To confuse Ferragamo's men.
(c) To get to court on time.
(d) Because one of the tires is flat.

Short Answer Questions

1. How does John describe his night with Jenny in his hotel room?

2. What does Ethel say about Augustus Stanhope on the day of George's funeral?

3. What does Bellarosa tell John he wants him to do in regard to his bail?

4. In Chapter 35, why is Ferragamo after John?

5. What does Jack Weinstein explain to John at the Plaza Hotel?

Short Essay Questions

1. Why does John become upset about Bellarosa's fifty dollar bet on the day of his arrest?

2. What does John consider doing with his life after Susan kills Bellarosa?

3. How does Ferragamo try to ruin John's plans the day Bellarosa is arrested?

4. What happens at George Allard's funeral?

5. Why does John sink his own boat?

6. How do John and Melzer come to an agreement on John's IRS bill?

7. What does Bellarosa do when he sees John with Jenny at their hotel?

8. How does John convince the judge to let Bellarosa post bail?

9. In Chapter 29, what happens when Bellarosa watches the news?

10. What do John and Bellarosa talk about when Bellarosa is released from the hospital?

(see the answer keys)

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