The Gold Coast Test | Final Test - Easy

Nelson Demille
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The Gold Coast Test | Final Test - Easy

Nelson Demille
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 120 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In Chapter 23, what does Mancuso tell John about the mafia?
(a) That they have been romanticized.
(b) That they aren't as powerful as they were.
(c) That Bellarosa is too influential.
(d) That they follow rules.

2. In Chapter 27, what does Bellarosa say John could handle better?
(a) Questions from the press.
(b) Controlling his anger in court.
(c) Paperwork.
(d) Flirting with the judge.

3. What does Susan tell John about Bellarosa in the orchard in Chapter 33?
(a) That Bellarosa said he loves Susan.
(b) That Susan said she loves Bellarosa.
(c) That they are not having an affair.
(d) That they are having an affair.

4. In Chapter 35, why is Ferragamo after John?
(a) For money.
(b) For delaying the trial.
(c) For saving Bellarosa's life.
(d) For not submitting evidence.

5. What does John tell Susan when they return home from Giulio's in Chapter 34?
(a) That she was right about giving first aid.
(b) That Bellarosa is alive still.
(c) That she should bring him a glass of wine.
(d) That Bellarosa left the hospital.

6. What does Susan ask John at Giulio's after the ambulance leaves?
(a) If he is afraid.
(b) If he tried to save Bellarosa's life.
(c) If he was hurt.
(d) If he tried to help anyone involved.

7. In Chapter 32, what does Bellarosa tell John about revenge?
(a) That it's the foundation of society.
(b) That it's only for professionals.
(c) That it's best served cold.
(d) That it's a bad idea.

8. What does John ask after Bellarosa says he will be going to Italy?
(a) If Susan will be going with him.
(b) If Anna will be going with him.
(c) If he will be able to pay the bills.
(d) If he will sell his house.

9. In Chapter 32, what does Ferragamo offer Bellarosa a deal for?
(a) A statement to the press.
(b) Reliable information.
(c) He doesn't offer a deal.
(d) Money.

10. What does Mancuso do to Bellarosa before arresting him?
(a) Lets him spend time with his wife.
(b) Laughs in his face.
(c) Handcuffs him.
(d) Reads him his rights in Italian.

11. What does Ethel say about Augustus Stanhope on the day of George's funeral?
(a) That he used to beat her.
(b) That they were lovers.
(c) That he had promised her money.
(d) That he was always kind.

12. What upsets Bellarosa about the news clip in Chapter 29?
(a) The reporters slant.
(b) The length.
(c) What John says.
(d) The angle they filmed Bellarosa at.

13. Where does John tell Bellarosa he knows about the IRS set up?
(a) In the court room.
(b) At the Plaza Hotel.
(c) At Bellarosa's house.
(d) In Brooklyn.

14. What proceedings does Bellarosa say Ferragamo will probably start on him?
(a) FIFO.
(b) FICO.
(c) RIFO.
(d) RICO.

15. Why do the Stanhopes discuss the sale of their property to Bellarosa with John?
(a) Because Susan arranged it.
(b) Because they know John works for Bellarosa.
(c) Because they had the change their wills.
(d) Because they wanted to upset John.

Short Answer Questions

1. How does John describe his night with Jenny in his hotel room?

2. Where do Bellarosa and John have coffee with priests?

3. Why do Bellarosa and John wait for the midnight papers to come out?

4. In Chapter 30, where do Bellarosa and John drive around?

5. At the beginning of Chapter 37, where does Susan say she is going?

(see the answer keys)

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