The Gold Coast Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Nelson Demille
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 120 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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The Gold Coast Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Nelson Demille
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 120 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why does John have to talk to Bellarosa about moving Susan's stables?
(a) Because they are on Bellarosa's land.
(b) Because the work will be loud.
(c) Because they will be near his property.
(d) Because he will need help moving them.

2. Where does Bellarosa take John while Anna shows Susan around in Chapter 15?
(a) The kitchen.
(b) The library.
(c) The garage.
(d) The basement.

3. Why does Bellarosa propose Susan and Anna become friends?
(a) Because Susan asked him.
(b) So Anna can seem prestigious.
(c) Because Susan is a good influence.
(d) So Anna won't be lonely.

4. Why does Bellarosa believe Mr. Novac is attacking John?
(a) Because he gets a commission.
(b) Because he likes Susan.
(c) Because he is jealous.
(d) Because of the money he owes.

5. What does Edward fish for in Chapter 21?
(a) Sharks.
(b) Tuna.
(c) Marlins.
(d) Crab.

6. Why do John and Susan attend service at St. Mark's?
(a) Because they always have.
(b) Because the reverand gives the best sermon.
(c) Because Susan insists.
(d) Because it is close to home.

7. Why does John Sutter visit the nursery in Chapter 1?
(a) To buy plants.
(b) To price out plants.
(c) To go to work.
(d) To look into purchasing the nursery.

8. Which room does Bellarosa leave John and Susan in alone in Chapter 15?
(a) The living room.
(b) The study.
(c) The kitchen.
(d) The dining room.

9. What does Bellarosa's arrival on the Gold Coast signify for John, Susan, and their friends?
(a) Hope.
(b) Progress.
(c) Change.
(d) Disaster.

10. In Chapter 11, what does Bellarosa ask John about legally?
(a) Stock buying.
(b) Burglery.
(c) Money laundering.
(d) Trespassers.

11. In Chapter 6, what is so exciting about the stock certificates an old woman brings to John?
(a) The amount of money lost in them.
(b) The amount of them.
(c) Their signature.
(d) Their age.

12. In Chapter 13, why does Bellarosa tell John he will send a builder over?
(a) To build a guest house.
(b) To help with Susan's stables.
(c) To fix the balcony.
(d) John isn't sure why.

13. In Chapter 11, what does Bellarosa want John to represent him in?
(a) A non-profit deal.
(b) A fundraiser.
(c) A real estate deal.
(d) A business deal.

14. What does Edward offer to do to help with John's tax problems?
(a) Write the IRS.
(b) Defend him in court.
(c) Sell the beach house.
(d) Take money from his trust fund.

15. How do Lester and Judy Remson react when they find out Bellarosa is moving next door to John and Susan?
(a) They are not impressed.
(b) They are in shock.
(c) They are angry.
(d) They laugh.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Dominic refuse to do after the stables are moved?

2. Which shore of Long Island does John Sutter live on?

3. What does John ask Susan to do after Good Friday mass?

4. Why is Susan pleased Bellarosa moves in next door?

5. In Chapter 13, what day of the week does John suppose Susan's stables will be moved?

(see the answer keys)

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